The name "Wii"?

First, you critisize the Xbox 360 and PS3 for not being original enough but then you critisize Wii (which you spell incorrectly as wee) for being gimicky and not have as good of graphics as the Xbox 360 and PS3.
I was playing devil's advocate with the Wii mostly. And about Pixar movies -
it won't be able to have games that look like a Pixar movie? Seriously, did you ever see a little game called Super Mario Sunshine for the Gamecube?
Super Mario Galaxy looks like it could be a Pixar film, correct?
The Wind Waker is similar to a pixar movie (Cel shaded) and looks like something out of pixar I might say - the graphics bothered me for a while but I got used to it.
I have played Super Mario Sunshine and as much as I hate to admit it I am kind of over these kind of games. I liked the quality of the graphics but I didn't like the game play concept that the game was built on. (Using Fludd as a primary weapon for example)

I've never played Viewtiful Joe. Is it a good game?

About Nintendo's marketing on tvs, I have seen a couple of them and some of them are really funny like the one you posted in your response. I remember that commercial - it was so funny! And I was in yr 6 at the time and that's when I heard about Super Smash Bros 64. One of the best N64 games I must say!

I have never seen any XBOX or PS commercials - they focus their advertising in shopping centres because that's where the majority of people go to get their consoles from.

I remember when I first read it, I said "double u double i"?
I thought that too when I first saw it on the website. And I did think there must have been a reason for the 'double u double i' perspective on the Wii. It meant many things to me at the time - Wii, UUii, you you me me (which implied multiplayer games and a console based on multiplaying) and Oui (yes). Like the Mac Apple company sounded weird at the time but people began to get used to it. Hard to imagine a fruit being associated with a computer! You can't eat a computer but you can turn it on.

The same thing will happen with the Wii in english speaking countries. And that's what everyone hates about the Wii - the NAME... "Oh look at my Wii! I can play with it all night!" I rather want to say... "Look at my revolution. I can play with it all night!"
What is the point in debating over this? Nintendo isnt going to change it face it... So what if it's called wii? it's just a name :p oh and yes PS3 and XBox dosnt/wont have Pixar graphics game that is totally different and it would take months making such a high tech grahpical game
its just a name. some person in gamepro quoted shakespear

"a rose buy any other name would smell just as sweet"

in other words, who gives a @#$% about a name?
rodent said:
its just a name. some person in gamepro quoted shakespear

"a rose buy any other name would smell just as sweet"

in other words, who gives a @#$% about a name?
a lot of people do, but that doesnt mean its going to change anything. yeah, a lot of consoles had crappy names
The name has actually grown on me so much that i've begun to like it more than "Revolution" believe it or not. It's shorter, they've made some great avatar/sigs on it(which really doesn't matter but it still counts), it's got more meaning and doesn't anyone else think "revolution" seems to much like a codename? Wii seems like a real name to me, the "revolution" is too normal while is different and innovative, like the console itself.

I also think it's a greater marketing name as well.
I have not yet figured out how to quote, so please just refer to post #10.

HOLY CRAP!!! I was just listening to that podcast, and in beetween the 10th and 11th minute the dude said that the Wii is being released in October! Please post on what u think
ssbb_lover said:
The name has actually grown on me so much that i've begun to like it more than "Revolution" believe it or not. It's shorter, they've made some great avatar/sigs on it(which really doesn't matter but it still counts), it's got more meaning and doesn't anyone else think "revolution" seems to much like a codename? Wii seems like a real name to me, the "revolution" is too normal while is different and innovative, like the console itself.

I also think it's a greater marketing name as well.

How the heck do you market a name like that? Alright, so it's a little different from your usual generic console name. But it'll be the butt of jokes for years to come and it'll likely turn some people off rather than enticing them to buy it.

Besides, the name "Revolution" better describes the console- it is revolutionary, different, a catalyst for change. And thinking about it, Revolution is hardly an ordinary name itself, compared to meaningless names like Playstation, Xbox or Gamecube.
i coudnt have wanted anything better than wii, i use that word in speech like every sentence! its so short and u dont have to say nintendo in front of it all u have to say is Wii! unlike ps3 where u have to call it playstation3 and not just 3 cause noone would understand.
they named it wii because they wanted to make it an international word that everyone can use. Like in other languages you have to say playstation in that certain language..... its pretty good name and you casn joke about it also
i dont care what its called,im just interested in what its capable of :) and as far as i know, wii is EXTREMELY capable of ANYTHING!