The name "Wii"?

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~Marisa~ said:
Nobody liked the name "Google" or "Blockbuster" or "Disney" and they all became huge multi-million dollar companies. New names always seem weird at first and it's natural because you're not used to hearing it. Wii is supposed to be about bringing gamers together. We and not Me. The ii is supposed to be two people. I think it's a very clever marketing strategy. I think you'll find that it'll grow on you as did the other very famous, countless names we know today.
Dude its not gonna grow on me, cause I'm not a fan of Nintendo. Im getting a ps3 and possibly a 360 if it gets good games on it.
Gewtin said:
Dude its not gonna grow on me, cause I'm not a fan of Nintendo. Im getting a ps3 and possibly a 360 if it gets good games on it.
are you even getting a wii, or are you at all interested in it then? (not trying to turn this into a "Togg" incedent >.<)
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Gewtin said:
Dude its not gonna grow on me, cause I'm not a fan of Nintendo. Im getting a ps3 and possibly a 360 if it gets good games on it.

I'm a dudette. If you don't like the Wii, nor are you a Nintendo fan..then why do you even care about the name? Why do you even waste precious time of your life, which your parents have blessed you with, posting in a place you don't like?

I swear, it never ceases to amaze me how simple logic seems to escape people....:rolleyes:
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someone told me (hes not all that reliable but its the only reason i have) since ps3 was coming out, microsoft didnt want to feel left out with a lower number than 3 (xbox 2?) and nintendo was doing a "revolution", which 360 degrees. so yeah. i dont really believe him, but thats all i got
But like it's just such a different way of naming than nintendo has used before that even getting after used to it, when I think about it, it seems strange. At least it isn't the "super gamecube" though
RhythmGen said:
But like it's just such a different way of naming than nintendo has used before that even getting after used to it, when I think about it, it seems strange. At least it isn't the "super gamecube" though
Exactly! Or Gamecube 360! Or even Gamecube 2...oh the lack of unoriginality!
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Mr_Stoukaph said:
are you even getting a wii, or are you at all interested in it then? (not trying to turn this into a "Togg" incedent >.<)
Whats a togg incident? Im not interesting in Wii unless it is actually truly impressive. Yeah ps3 isnt classy but oh well. What else would they call it? The playstation T-100? Im only here to like see whats gonna be on the Wii and how many people think it will beat the 360 or ps3. No offense people I personally think it won't, just because gamecube didn't win last time and it sounds like Sony has been working their ass off on the ps3. Im more into shooters and action and war games and all. Like RE, Metal gear Solid, Hitman, Red Faction, Medal Of Honour, Socom, Rainbow Six, Killzone, Devil may cry... Xbox games I like are of course Halo and ninja gaiden. Basically though ps2 had every xbox game except halo and ninja gaiden which is why I wont be getting a 360. Ps3 has more unique games on it that are only for it. And u have to pay to play original games on xbox360, like u have to pay to get it backwards compatible which is a lame way for microsoft to make money. As for gamecube, no offense I didn't like it. Only interesting games it had were metroid prime and the resident evil games and the metal gear solid 1. And i dont buy consoles for only like 4 games (but i made the mistake of buying an xbox).
Lachadine said:
i kinda like the name wii. they have more reasons for their name than xbox 360. where did that come from?
Actully the term 360 means that it revolves around you so just clearing that up
i've said it once i've said it about 100 times the name "Revolotuion" had so much more zing

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