The name "Wii"?

m7ticalm said:
i coudnt have wanted anything better than wii, i use that word in speech like every sentence! its so short and u dont have to say nintendo in front of it all u have to say is Wii! unlike ps3 where u have to call it playstation3 and not just 3 cause noone would understand.
i just say "p s 3" which only has two more sounds (whatever u call it) than "wii". Besides who cares which name is easier to say lol, its not like saying flergint gooten tires u out or anything, i dont think consoles have advantages because of shorter names. Thats just me tho.
but wii has international properties. That really does give an advantage on the market.
Diomedes said:
but wii has international properties. That really does give an advantage on the market.
Indeed, the French market would be "Yes".

To be completely honest, I was in the minority of people that do actually like the name from the begining. I didn't know how to pronounce it at first, but I liked it regardless.

Nintendo wanted something that didn't automatically say "Gamers only". The PlayStation is renouned for being a "gaming machine". The X-Box is a massive hulk. The Wii is friendly to everyone, it's small, and doesn't have this edge of "gamers only" to it. I think that's why they went with a different name: Revolution implies a difference in something that has gone before, hence could alienate potential new-comers, as they know nothing of it's rich history. Wii looks good and visually represents people playing together.

Besides, with a lot of hardcore X-Box gamers routing for the Wii360 combination, it really will come ontop. If online polls are anything to go by (which they aren't, as they don't include many non-gamers that are interested in the Wii), then Wii will definately come out on top.

...Wait, how did I get from The name of the console to fortune-telling?...:wtf:
The extra "I" in Wii is for innovative, the "W" is for WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU TIHNKING NAMING IT Wii?!

Lmao, that's from X-Play, Adam says the "I" part and Morgan says the "W"
TBH I hated the codename Revolution, when I heard it first I thought "Well sure it's a revolution at the moment but only because it's the first CONSOLE to use motion detection as its main control input" the tech isn't revolutionary rather it's the implementation. This is going to be around for a good few years, will it still be "Revolutionary" then? No? Maybe? Who cares if it isn't then the name would suck. Oh yeah, and it sounds egotistical.

WFTW [WiiForTheWin]
Icetrash said:
they named it wii because they wanted to make it an international word that everyone can use. Like in other languages you have to say playstation in that certain language..... its pretty good name and you casn joke about it also

you don't have to say playstation in other languages... it's just called playstation:)
that would have been yet another stupid move by sony:lol: