The name "Wii"?

Gewtin said:
Whats a togg incident? Im not interesting in Wii unless it is actually truly impressive. Yeah ps3 isnt classy but oh well. What else would they call it? The playstation T-100? Im only here to like see whats gonna be on the Wii and how many people think it will beat the 360 or ps3. No offense people I personally think it won't, just because gamecube didn't win last time and it sounds like Sony has been working their ass off on the ps3. Im more into shooters and action and war games and all. Like RE, Metal gear Solid, Hitman, Red Faction, Medal Of Honour, Socom, Rainbow Six, Killzone, Devil may cry... Xbox games I like are of course Halo and ninja gaiden. Basically though ps2 had every xbox game except halo and ninja gaiden which is why I wont be getting a 360. Ps3 has more unique games on it that are only for it. And u have to pay to play original games on xbox360, like u have to pay to get it backwards compatible which is a lame way for microsoft to make money. As for gamecube, no offense I didn't like it. Only interesting games it had were metroid prime and the resident evil games and the metal gear solid 1. And i dont buy consoles for only like 4 games (but i made the mistake of buying an xbox).
What are you doing here if you don't like the Wii? Have you came on here just to insult it? And the only games you seem to like a FPS, have you tried any other games other than FPS? Doubt it. And I am sick of seeing stupid threads like this where people make fun of the name. I came to this website in hope of getting way from idiots who haven't got over the toilet jokes.
WiiGamer24 said:
What are you doing here if you don't like the Wii? Have you came on here just to insult it? And the only games you seem to like a FPS, have you tried any other games other than FPS? Doubt it. And I am sick of seeing stupid threads like this where people make fun of the name. I came to this website in hope of getting way from idiots who haven't got over the toilet jokes.

Hey WiiGamer24, nobody is really ragging on the name; this is just a place for discussion and people have the right to give their opinions, positive or negative.

Also, Gewtin said he also liked adventure and war games and he said he liked Resident Evil which is a horror game and Metal Gear which is about stealth, so FPSs aren't all he plays. As long as he doesn't flame anyone, and he is here to see what Wii can bring, so atleast he's interested, but that's really his choice to make. Oh, and I haven't heard any toilet jokes, although the podcast I posted a while back did involve Iwata going down a slide, but that was funny.

Gewtin said:
Basically though ps2 had every xbox game except halo and ninja gaiden which is why I wont be getting a 360.

That may be true, but the Xbox version of the games have better graphics, the custom soundtrack feature, and Xbox Live play, which is way better than PS2 Online play.
NateTheGreat said:
Hey WiiGamer24, nobody is really ragging on the name; this is just a place for discussion and people have the right to give their opinions, positive or negative.

Also, Gewtin said he also liked adventure and war games and he said he liked Resident Evil which is a horror game and Metal Gear which is about stealth, so FPSs aren't all he plays. As long as he doesn't flame anyone, and he is here to see what Wii can bring, so atleast he's interested, but that's really his choice to make. Oh, and I haven't heard any toilet jokes, although the podcast I posted a while back did involve Iwata going down a slide, but that was funny.

That may be true, but the Xbox version of the games have better graphics, the custom soundtrack feature, and Xbox Live play, which is way better than PS2 Online play.
I'm sorry I know I went a bit overboard there. I also apologise to Gewtin, I'm sorry if I offended you. I just sometimes type messages without thinking.
WiiGamer24 said:
I'm sorry I know I went a bit overboard there. I also apologise to Gewtin, I'm sorry if I offended you. I just sometimes type messages without thinking.

I totally understand, WiiGamer24. I've done that a few times myself, so don't worry about it; just wanted to make you aware.

Thanks for the apology; all is forgiven and forgotten.:cool:
Xbox's name means turning 360 degrees, putting in effort in something and getting no change :) the name wii is original and you can make nice puns with it
Kakashi said:
Xbox's name means turning 360 degrees, putting in effort in something and getting no change :) the name wii is original and you can make nice puns with it
Hahaha, when I first read this, I thought you meant the 360 stood for the temperature, like 360˚ Fahrenheit!:lol:

That probably isn't too far from the temperature some 360's have gotten.

Supermariomp3 said:
yeah, when you do a 360 you end up in the same exact position..which is true about the xbox 360
Not really. The Xbox 360 has better graphics (look at Fight Night Round 3), larger hard drive, better HD plug-ins, and you can replace the game's music with your own (this was only available in a handful of games for the original Xbox).

That said, I'll be waiting until perhaps the spring or summer of 2007 to get one because of it's heat and backwards compatibility problems.
lol i like the joke part about the XBOX '360' where you don't really move at all after doing all this work. Sums up what the XBOX 360 is all about, along with its launch titles like fight night and perfect dark zero.

I have played XBOX 360 at uni and as much as I hate to say it they haven't improved on the controller at all and i still find it's hard to get used to lol. Fight night does highlight that aspect of the XBOX 360 - you have to use the joystick all the time and it feels awkward. I'd rather play fight night on the wii... If it came out on the wii!

Btw, N64 was fairly creative as it had super mario 64 and zelda OoT and they were great games! I'm likely to get flamed for this but this is my opinion on the '64.

Speaking of microsoft making their game console XBOX 360 it still sucks of originality and the PS3 also sucks as well. How about calling it 'Ken Kutaragi's biggest blunder' that would sound alot better than PS3. And people can make jokes out of it.
linkzeldagame said:
Speaking of microsoft making their game console XBOX 360 it still sucks of originality and the PS3 also sucks as well. How about calling it 'Ken Kutaragi's biggest blunder' that would sound alot better than PS3. And people can make jokes out of it.
people dont need to make jokes, its funny by itself:lol:
By the way the wee sucks because it doesn't have mega cool graphics so we can't expect to have pixar quality based games on our wee...

Overall all consoles suck because there's real improvement at all - the wee has a gimmick that it relies on for its profitability and popularity and wiill to once become as popular as the NES. Maybe Nintendo should focus on making games like Sega is doing now and leave the console design and marketing to microsoft or sony...

W!! suxorz / roxorz which way do you look at it??
LOL This reminds me of something Soooooo funny
I was watching X-Play and Adam was like: The extra I in Wii is for Intuitive or however you spell it, then Morgan is like: And the W is for WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING NAMING IT WII? I couldn't stop laughing, + the way she said it.

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