"Wii" is not the real name.

yami_riku said:
I honestly can't see what is wrong with the name Wii. Revolution was a good code name but i think that the name "Wii" just seems to suit it somehow. As far as i see it, anyone that doesn't like the console because its name sounds the same as an english word that happens to be slang for urinate, doesn't deserve to own one.

Exactly what Yami riku said. The Wii has a name, and if you don't like it deal with it. Just because the name is Wii doesn't mean it means to go urinate. Besides, the console is a pretty cool name to all my friends, and it's motion sencer for gods sake. Every one should get one, and shouldn't care about the bad (for nonbelievers) name, or the good name (for almost everyone in the world.) The wii is tight, end of story, period!:cool: :cool: :cool:
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Wii is definitely the real name. People who don't like it can just get over it. It's like Reggie said at the pre-E3 conference "What did you think of Lexus the first time you heard it, how about Ikea? How about Google??" <- a premo example, I think Google is probably the dumbest name on the net, yet everyone knows it and almost everyone loves it (almost all true computer geeks swear by it, and I can say that because I am one), it's a household name, just like Wii is going to be.
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actually google makes sense, its just a respelling (prolly so more people would pronounce it correctly) of the math term googol meaning 10 raised the 100th power, prolly chosen for vast number of pages on the web

just for reference a googol looks something like this:

so much easier to do on a computer, but imagine being back in fourth grade learning about the googol and googolplex (10 to the 100th to the 100th) and the teacher telling you to try writing it out by hand to get a grasp of how large the number is....
I think Nintendo would be shooting themselves in the foot if they changed the name...again. Doing it once was a good marketing strategy, gets people more interested and everything but twice i think people will just think Nintendo doesnt have anything together at all and will not waste their money on a console that people couldnt even deside a name on.

"EXCUSE ME!! THE GAMECUBE FAILED!!??? theres somethign wropng with you, because fright now, a five year old console is outselling the xbox 360....the consoles name is gamecube"

And to this quote..The gamecube is around $100 the 360 is around $400, there are millions of gamecubes for sale and you are lucky to even see a 360 for sale (tho resently they are becoming more instock) There were prolly more gamecubes sold than there are 360s even produced. And plus for younger kids or less fortunate parents are definately get them a gamecube if their kid wants a console due to price.

What are the purchase rates for gamecube compared to the xbox and ps2?
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Riviet said:
It certainly has got people talking about it, my friends and I are still talking about it, there seems to be an endless number of things to talk about. Whether it be the different controllers or just cracking jokes with its name. :D

I'll go with cracking jokes becuase even my own father is cracking jokes with the thing I said to him once:why do you just keep cracking jokes its just a console then he just kept laughing.
Why is it called Wii everywhere? Personally i prefer the name Revolution but it is the console that matters!!!!!!! Wii is a stupid name though:mad:
I too thought "Wii" was a stupid name, infact when i first heard it i really thought "Why is Nintendo trying to destroy the kingdom they have made?" but within a week or two the name really grew on me and now I really like it.
Of Wii is the real name and like my name says Wii Rulez!!!!!!!!!!!!!