The Dream Thread

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The best our dreams where you drink or smoke and you actually feel ****ed up
Well, sometime's randomly in the middle of the night, I'l wake in a shock for no reason, sometime I dream and when I'm about to die or whatever I get a shock and wake up like if I'm about to hit the floor, but no normally there isnt a dream.
chach said:
The best our dreams where you drink or smoke and you actually feel ****ed up

Ahh.. I had those, it's pretty cool, then you wake up and.. what?? I'm all good now :lol:

Cpt.McCloud said:
Well, sometime's randomly in the middle of the night, I'l wake in a shock for no reason, sometime I dream and when I'm about to die or whatever I get a shock and wake up like if I'm about to hit the floor, but no normally there isnt a dream.

It's the same thing with me, but instead I fall in the dream and then I wake up, and it looks like I just hit my bed..
i used to have one about the thing we humans fear the most of all....... SWANS!

i would have a dream where i was in a cabin and swans would smash through the walls, windows and door and kill me, then i'd wake up and not be able to move (h mean physically not move A.K.A. Scared S**tless) because i think there is a swan behind me
bonodo said:
i used to have one about the thing we humans fear the most of all....... SWANS!

i would have a dream where i was in a cabin and swans would smash through the walls, windows and door and kill me, then i'd wake up and not be able to move (h mean physically not move A.K.A. Scared S**tless) because i think there is a swan behind me


Never dreamed of sawns (at least I don't remember dreaming it), but it can happen tonight :scared:
demonflair said:

Never dreamed of sawns (at least I don't remember dreaming it), but it can happen tonight :scared:
Be Prepared for it, they know thar they are humans' weakness
paintba||er said:

I already did. According to it there is no evidence of any of it. Just what people have said which means nothing. I searched for scientific evidence of a souls existence and found none. The closest thing I found is some bullshit saying that if you don't believe in souls then you shouldn't believe in black holes and irrelevant **** like that. I searched for scientific evidence of out of body experiences and there was nothing but a bunch of people making up stupid explanations of why there is no evidence. I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe anything without scientific evidence. This reminds me of those people who believe the Earth is flat and they give an explanation for everything, but there is no evidence proving their explanations. I could say that the reason we die is because magical invisible fairies cast spells on us and it would explain why we die. But since there is no evidence and it obviously isn't true there is no reason to believe it. he was part of the psychical reasearch foundation which if you think for two second were a group of Scientist

"On the other hand, there are some scientific experiments in which the person having the out-of-body experience seems to actually perceive distant events or targets, as if their consciousness is truly located in that distant location."

Although you are right Some scientisit are skeptical on the Idea, some others have proven and given out the Facts. Every test were made by Parapsychologist, and other Gang of Scientist,

Might I add there where over 100 books written on this subject, my Favorite that covers the main and Basics on teh Subject was written By Richard Webster who wrote Astral Travel For Beginners, But the point is, people make books for a reason, and if over a million people have claim to do it, and a few hundred of them have been tested by Scientist on the Subject. You may Chose not to believe it, but i would ask you not to try to convince people that this crazy stuff. As I believe it is Real with all my heart.
I kept having the same reoccurring dreams.

1. There's like a very large swimming pool.. and my family are all spread out and I'm trying to swim to them but it's like never ending.. sometime I get to certain members though.

I really don't like that one cos I know why I have it all the time, when I was 7 my mother moved me away from the town we lived in, ALL my family lived there, my sisters, father, grandparents etc.. and I never forgave her for it, it sorta ruined my family too, like my grandfather doesn't speak to my mother for taking me away. I'm okay about it now, and I haven't had it in a while since I've moved back into the town to live with my father.

2. Second one is where I'm fighting someone but my punches are slow, and I'm trying as hard as I can to hit the person but I'm either not hitting them or it's not doing anything. This persons usually my step-father.

Again I know why this is, basically I hate him. He's the one who persuaded my mother to move away from the town, and he kicked my sister out of my mothers house when he didn't even live there. Plus I have loads of anger and aggression built up towards certain things and I can't express them.

3. Very weird and random one. There's a big building in shape of a dragon in a forest and you go in through the tail and John Cleese is like King Arthur and he asks me to do random tasks and we follow him around the place n stuff =/

surfinrach90 said:
I kept having the same reoccurring dreams.

1. There's like a very large swimming pool.. and my family are all spread out and I'm trying to swim to them but it's like never ending.. sometime I get to certain members though.

I really don't like that one cos I know why I have it all the time, when I was 7 my mother moved me away from the town we lived in, ALL my family lived there, my sisters, father, grandparents etc.. and I never forgave her for it, it sorta ruined my family too, like my grandfather doesn't speak to my mother for taking me away. I'm okay about it now, and I haven't had it in a while since I've moved back into the town to live with my father.

2. Second one is where I'm fighting someone but my punches are slow, and I'm trying as hard as I can to hit the person but I'm either not hitting them or it's not doing anything. This persons usually my step-father.

Again I know why this is, basically I hate him. He's the one who persuaded my mother to move away from the town, and he kicked my sister out of my mothers house when he didn't even live there. Plus I have loads of anger and aggression built up towards certain things and I can't express them.

3. Very weird and random one. There's a big building in shape of a dragon in a forest and you go in through the tail and John Cleese is like King Arthur and he asks me to do random tasks and we follow him around the place n stuff =/


First two are easy to explain and I am sure you dont need me to explain, as for the second one, maybe you have watched monty python to much?

But my guess is you need a leading role in your life like a model?

Your dream shows 'the king' as that leading role?
Yeah that's true.. never really had much of a father figure, guess that's it =]

Check you out Jam :p
surfinrach90 said:
Yeah that's true.. never really had much of a father figure, guess that's it =]

Check you out Jam :p
Haha, did you want other dreams explained as well?

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