The Dream Thread

yea i kinda agree with paintballer but i dont understand this OBE thing or lucid dream stuff at all. I just wanna understand my rampage marine dream lol
gingerkid said:
well arav were you on the german side or united states side? lol

Gah, WWI and II were England and germanys wars, not america's:cryin:

So lets say he was on the good side;):lol:
United States. and usually i was killing the japs cuz the location is like the outskirts of hiroshima or nagosaki (spelt wrong i know). all i no is that the dream always ends with the city getting nuked.
lol the news? hahah who watches the news? lol jkjk i dont normally watch it though. and i kinda enjoy the dreams...muahahahahahahah
ARav989 said:
yea i kinda agree with paintballer but i dont understand this OBE thing or lucid dream stuff at all. I just wanna understand my rampage marine dream lol

Hmm, your influenced by media but also have a surpressed anger or a issue which gets unleashed in your dreams.
paintba||er said:
As far as I could see there wasn't really any scientific evidence in those links. Obviously if you are thinking about doing something before you go to sleep it is likely that you will have a dream about it. If you see your body or something it doesn't mean that you are actually out of your body, you are just having a dream that you are. How would you know if you were in control of your dream anyway?
I mention one of many techniques for OBE I know there's no way I can convince you that it's true what I believe it's true I believe it exists I know it does I almost did once but now I can't as my father is always making noise with his television radio and phone it's hard to concentrate but I assure you I almost did it once.
chach said:
I really like Freuds thoughts on dream interpertation cause they are very sexual and basic. Falling dreams according to Freud could mean you are contemplating giving into a sexual urge or impulse.

I think Freud's interpretation says more about Freud than it does about the interpretee.
mr_resi said:
Bondo what you need is this Then use Lucid dream. It should be able to help you control your dreams. Ive been practicing for years without idoser to be lucid, and so far i can only control my physical eyes to wake up. When i tried lucid dream, i couldnt sleep. to much caffine that day i guess.
ok resi, so i look all over the interweb and find these techniques to hace lucid dreams, but the only problem is that they are a whole load of BULL****! i only iad a dream about i was in school and darkprinny appeared on a computer screen and jill ran out of a window and cried like a baby... and i couldnnt even control it
i just had this weird dream.......i see a young girl.......and she said she wanted to be with me....... but here is the thing....... she was too young for me........ i couldnt see her face........ i remember everything too
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lol at your dream, be wary of the FBI :scared:

anyways i havent had a dream in awhile ive been too tired to dream lol

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