The Dream Thread

dreams... what beautiful unclear things. we will never know why we have them, how we have them, and many other questions.
gingerkid said:
dreams... what beautiful unclear things. we will never know why we have them, how we have them, and many other questions.
Actually we know the how we get them, and the Why....How, we get them because when we go to bed, are mind is at easy, we are not in controle of anything else anymore, we are sleeping so your mind starts to just think and Imagine, sometimes when you are really relaxe you leave your Body..everyone leaves their physical body which we call OBE, then what your astral Double seens is what your dreaming. The Body could not live without the ablility to dream. which is why we have would be one dipressed person if you could not dream...because your dreams manipulates your Emotions at nights making them better most of the time....with out dream we couldn't get happier..we would just end up killing ourselves..this is one of my Teachers that told me this..she is an Expert in dreams and took classes about it...thats what she told yeah...i'm not sure how 100% it plays with you emotions but i know that thats why we have dreams..
yeah, i'd have to agree w/ you, that sounds like a plausable theory.
i mean, there is no 100% way to be sure, but if i had to go w/ a reason, that'd be it.
Demon Slayer said:
Actually we know the how we get them, and the Why....How, we get them because when we go to bed, are mind is at easy, we are not in controle of anything else anymore, we are sleeping so your mind starts to just think and Imagine, sometimes when you are really relaxe you leave your Body..everyone leaves their physical body which we call OBE, then what your astral Double seens is what your dreaming. The Body could not live without the ablility to dream. which is why we have would be one dipressed person if you could not dream...because your dreams manipulates your Emotions at nights making them better most of the time....with out dream we couldn't get happier..we would just end up killing ourselves..this is one of my Teachers that told me this..she is an Expert in dreams and took classes about it...thats what she told yeah...i'm not sure how 100% it plays with you emotions but i know that thats why we have dreams..
Ya, I don't really believe any of that. How the **** would you leave your body? You can't.
paintba||er said:

Ya, I don't really believe any of that. How the **** would you leave your body? You can't.
You don't need to Believe it...but believe it or not, it's very quite possible..My father has done it, a friend of my Mother has done it..there have been many many scientific test made to prove that OBE exist, a man was test more then a 100 times on the subject, he would be ask to sleep in a room where he had to leave his physical Body and Travel to a room where he never visited and read a peice of paper with 5 numbers on it, the room was locked and no way to get in physicly, yet he returned with the correct number 17456, the chances of guessing that number is 100000000 to one..or something like that...he has been tested by visiting other places in the well as subject was a cat who had a lovly name of Spirit the cat was always Jumpy and always hyper but everytime the Subject would leave his body to visit the cat..the cat would remain silent, another test was with a snake...each time he would visit the snake in the cage, the snake would become very cautious and ready to attack something that no one could see. as well test was shown from his brain that when he was out of his Body...his Brain was not acting normally like when your just simply awake or indicated that his body was fast asleep but that his brain was acting like if he was awake...which is modern science is Impossible even if your Sleep walking..
The tests were probably rigged or never happened. You can't really leave your body. What part of you is there to leave? And if you did leave your body somehow, all of your senses would still be at your body. You can't see without your eyes, and you can't smell without your nose. So if you somehow left your body you wouldn't even have anyway of telling that you did.
paintba||er said:
The tests were probably rigged or never happened. You can't really leave your body. What part of you is there to leave? And if you did leave your body somehow, all of your senses would still be at your body. You can't see without your eyes, and you can't smell without your nose. So if you somehow left your body you wouldn't even have anyway of telling that you did.
Here is a good question for you, what Do you think happens where you die?

Edit: another good question...when your sad, how do you know? A Physical body is good to walk talk hear smell and tast and Feel (not in a sense of Emotion) so when you feel emotion where do you think it comes from?
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Demon Slayer said:
Here is a good question for you, what Do you think happens where you die?

Edit: another good question...when your sad, how do you know? A Physical body is good to walk talk hear smell and tast and Feel (not in a sense of Emotion) so when you feel emotion where do you think it comes from?
When you die your brain stops functioning, so you are dead. Your body rots away, and that is it. You can't feel anything and have no realization of anything since a functioning brain is required for all of that. So pretty much nothing happens. Emotion is just one of your brains functions.

gingerkid said:
lets not argue now...
Why? Arguments are fun....

Edit: What does what happens when you die have to do with this dream crap anyway?
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paintba||er said:

When you die your brain stops functioning, so you are dead. Your body rots away, and that is it. You can't feel anything and have no realization of anything since a functioning brain is required for all of that. So pretty much nothing happens. Emotion is just one of your brains functions.

Why? Arguments are fun....
i'm not really arguing, all that much..well Mister that is you beliefe, i'll believe what i want and you believe what you want as point on Fighting about it..all i can tell you is that i never made anything here have been scientificly proven that a body Posses a Soul, that a soul can get out of your body, when you feel it is not your brain where you feel is at your Heart Charkar which is where your heart is..but you don't feel it true your heart as a heart is something that pumps your blood, it is Scientificly said that an Emotion is your Soul or Spirit that sense, your brain then can confirm your emotion, anyways all to say, i never made anything up..i researched it, read quite a few books, seen reports from Scientist would confirmed it to be real. thats all i have to say to you, if you don't believe Scientific Fact well then thats your doing...i'll just ask you not to Flame or Bash anyone on their Beliefe thank you
Demon Slayer said:
i'm not really arguing, all that much..well Mister that is you beliefe, i'll believe what i want and you believe what you want as point on Fighting about it..all i can tell you is that i never made anything here have been scientificly proven that a body Posses a Soul, that a soul can get out of your body, when you feel it is not your brain where you feel is at your Heart Charkar which is where your heart is..but you don't feel it true your heart as a heart is something that pumps your blood, it is Scientificly said that an Emotion is your Soul or Spirit that sense, your brain then can confirm your emotion, anyways all to say, i never made anything up..i researched it, read quite a few books, seen reports from Scientist would confirmed it to be real. thats all i have to say to you, if you don't believe Scientific Fact well then thats your doing...i'll just ask you not to Flame or Bash anyone on their Beliefe thank you
Show me a link from a reputable site that has some scientific evidence. Not from some religious site or anything like that. And I'm not bashing or flaming you, just pointing out flaws in what you are saying.
paintba||er said:

Show me a link from a reputable site that has some scientific evidence. Not from some religious site or anything like that. And I'm not bashing or flaming you, just pointing out flaws in what you are saying.
I'll find you that tomorrow because right now i need to go to bed, my dad is furious because im still up this late, you can go on Wikipedia as look up Astral Travel, or Astral Projection or OBE or OOBE or type in the full words Out Of Body Experience
Ah yes, i forgot about this one. Yesterday night i had a dream of playing with my old soccer team, i was doing really good to say the least. When i woke up the next morning i got a call from my old coach asking me to come try out for this new team. So i was like alright, i might as well.

Once i go there we were doing some fitness drills, after about 10 minutes i start feeling like ****, i was getting all dizzy. So i decided to sit down. In about 1 minute i threw up about 4 times in a row, and it was all gatorade. :lol:

To tell you the truth, it felt kinda good at the time. With the cold wind and the rain kicking in and all. But that only lasted for about 3 - 4 minutes before i got up and decided to stop being a ***** about the whole thing.

But whats amazing is that the one time i actually do something good in my dreams i **** everything up the next day. :lol:
Demon Slayer said:
I'll find you that tomorrow because right now i need to go to bed, my dad is furious because im still up this late, you can go on Wikipedia as look up Astral Travel, or Astral Projection or OBE or OOBE or type in the full words Out Of Body Experience
I already did. According to it there is no evidence of any of it. Just what people have said which means nothing. I searched for scientific evidence of a souls existence and found none. The closest thing I found is some bullshit saying that if you don't believe in souls then you shouldn't believe in black holes and irrelevant **** like that. I searched for scientific evidence of out of body experiences and there was nothing but a bunch of people making up stupid explanations of why there is no evidence. I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe anything without scientific evidence. This reminds me of those people who believe the Earth is flat and they give an explanation for everything, but there is no evidence proving their explanations. I could say that the reason we die is because magical invisible fairies cast spells on us and it would explain why we die. But since there is no evidence and it obviously isn't true there is no reason to believe it.

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