The Dream Thread

TortillaChip520 said:
do they all have to do w/ one another?
I don't think so..they're suppose to be all Different i think..I remember one time where i remembered all Five Dreams..
Demon Slayer said:
I don't think so..they're suppose to be all Different i think..I remember one time where i remembered all Five Dreams..
because if i really am remembering several dreams, they are some how leading to the next one after it
hmmmm yeah i guess sometimes it can thing that happen to me that never happen before or again is wake up from a dream..and when i went back to sleep my dream continued from where it left someone had pressed the pause was cool because it was a nice dream..another thing that happens to me often is repeated dreams..i sometimes dream the same dream more then when i was a kid...i use to have the same dream each year..sometime twice a year..
i've never had the exact same dream, but i have had dreams about the same thing. like twice i've had dreams i was being chased by a ryno. those were the one's where i was extremely agile. once it was at my grandparents house..and it ended w/ me jumping through their glass door.

the other was in sum Afghan village..where they wouldnt let the kids go to school... and it was the same situation. ryno chasing me, and i was like a ninja.
very weird lol.
wario2ooo said:
i also have dreams that can for tell my future or some else future......but its random
According to my Book : Astral Travel for Beginners by Richard Webster, everyone posses the power to travel trough time, while having an OBE, and according to him 80% of the your dreams are OBE, so it's very natrual to see things in the Future in your dreams and then it really happens which we call Deja Vu, it often also happens when we just sudden start Spacing and Day Dreaming..that call Mind Traveling where your mind is (without you knowing) looking at things in the future. you think their just random thought but they can actually be things that happen later in life...unfortunately no one can controle these random Spacing in the future moments as we don't know we're doing it until it actually happens in a form of a Deja Vu
Demon Slayer said:
According to my Book : Astral Travel for Beginners by Richard Webster, everyone posses the power to travel trough time, while having an OBE, and according to him 80% of the your dreams are OBE, so it's very natrual to see things in the Future in your dreams and then it really happens which we call Deja Vu, it often also happens when we just sudden start Spacing and Day Dreaming..that call Mind Traveling where your mind is (without you knowing) looking at things in the future. you think their just random thought but they can actually be things that happen later in life...unfortunately no one can controle these random Spacing in the future moments as we don't know we're doing it until it actually happens in a form of a Deja Vu
yeah....i have a gift or curse:lol:
like when i got my wii.....that was deja vu
Demon Slayer said:
According to my Book : Astral Travel for Beginners by Richard Webster, everyone posses the power to travel trough time, while having an OBE, and according to him 80% of the your dreams are OBE, so it's very natrual to see things in the Future in your dreams and then it really happens which we call Deja Vu, it often also happens when we just sudden start Spacing and Day Dreaming..that call Mind Traveling where your mind is (without you knowing) looking at things in the future. you think their just random thought but they can actually be things that happen later in life...unfortunately no one can controle these random Spacing in the future moments as we don't know we're doing it until it actually happens in a form of a Deja Vu
You seem to be very Informed on the Subject of Dreams
Yeah i've read a few books, and i'm trying to Learn how to Astral Travel and stuff, though it's hard with my father around always doing some noise..
okay well this my opinion, and i think there pretty probable. i think dreams are a reflection what your senses picked up that day. also i had a dream about cold war 2 the other day :scared:
TortillaChip520 said:

hmm, dream books never really helped me.. what kind of book is it that you have?
I don't have any Dream Books with me Except my of Eleven Lessons to high Magickal Arts, and astral Travel for Beginner, but i have rented a few books on Dreams like the Dream Dictionary and another one called Dreams and their Secrets by i forgot the autor xD

@ Ginger, well you partly right, actually most Dreams that arn't OBE are actually what your Feeling as an Emotion that your feeling, most of them show signs of what your feeling in your life in the present. Infact those are the reason for Nightmares, lets say latly your always having Nightmares, might be because something stressful is happening in your life...I know i always have bad dreams around my Exams because the stress of the Exams or getting to my head...
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gingerkid said:
okay well this my opinion, and i think there pretty probable. i think dreams are a reflection what your senses picked up that day. also i had a dream about cold war 2 the other day :scared:
mine seem to be a couple days late then...

@demon slayer:

do they seem to work? or at least be right most of the time?
TortillaChip520 said:
mine seem to be a couple days late then...

@demon slayer:

do they seem to work? or at least be right most of the time?
Well it Depends on how you look at your dream...ok lets say your having a sexual Dream ok, well most of the time sexual dream means that you have to much Sexual Tension, or lets say your Running away from someone that is chasing you and no matter how much you run away he's always on your back. well maybe in real life something is always pressuring you..dosen't need to be a person..could be always have homeword on your can never get away from's making you angry and you really need to study your dreams, and you also need a dream diary to make things clearer

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