The Dream Thread

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True that vaporizer was like 300 dollars money well spent IMO, plus the 250 dollar bong my friend broke...

rip mufasa :sad:
TortillaChip520 said:
no, but paraphenalia aint cheap.
Eh, i know some people that can get them pretty cheap.

I also think you can buy a bong in this one gas station around here, im not sure. Never went and checked it out...
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chach said:
True that vaporizer was like 300 dollars money well spent IMO, plus the 250 dollar bong my friend broke...

rip mufasa :sad:
true dat... it's better than joints or pipes which are just as bad as cigarrettes cuz they're hot... i just put some ice cubes in a bong and......

smoke tobacco, like ur supposed to :thumbsup:
Kiwi said:
Eh, i know some people that can get them pretty cheap.

I also think you can buy a bong in this one gas station around here, im not sure. Never went and checked it out...
the only bong i had i got it from my friend for free...other than that, i just use other ppl's
Demon Slayer said:
I had a dream last night that was somewhat cool...ok well i was at a camp ground and i was part of the Army, so i had a shot gun at my side and a machine gun in my hands, i also had 2 hand guns. anyways we needed to attack people that were in White. And so i killed a few of them, i must say i found it quite thrilling, so as i attacked them, i had a partner but i can't remember who was my partner, anyways the shooting stopped so i took this time to get to our tent to get more Ammo for my guns. I then went out of the tent and in the middle of the Campground. where my Father and Mother and i think some of my Friends were, then in my wakkie talky one told me that the attackers were in Chinese Robs, i saw one of them who was on top of a house walking, so i knew it was an Enemy so i fired at the guy, but he didn't die, so i kept firing but he just wouldn't die, then he did some sort or wave with his hand, so i looked behind me and i saw 7 of the enimies aiming their guns at me. They all Fired but then because i'm good in martial arts and it was a dream, i find myself jumping in the air and dodging every bullet, i could see the bullet come at me like in the matrix movie, and i was able to dodge them all so then i fired with my machine gun at all of them..but they wouldn't die. I decided to make a run for it and call for backup, which is where i woke up...
Chach, can you tell me about my dream or something?
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Demon Slayer said:
Chach, can you tell me about my dream or something?

Dude I really couldnt tell you much because there is so much going on but when I read it, it really creeped me out because I had almost the same exact dream the other night.

Do you control your dreams? Are you aware you are in a dream while dreaming?
chach said:
Dude I really couldnt tell you much because there is so much going on but when I read it, it really creeped me out because I had almost the same exact dream the other night.

Do you control your dreams? Are you aware you are in a dream while dreaming?
Eum sometimes mean Lucid Dreams..i often get them when i know i'm when i didn't kill the guy on the roof i figured i was Dreaming so i triggered a lucid Dream so i was able to dodge all of the Bullets because i was in Controle
Demon Slayer said:
Eum sometimes mean Lucid Dreams..i often get them when i know i'm when i didn't kill the guy on the roof i figured i was Dreaming so i triggered a lucid Dream so i was able to dodge all of the Bullets because i was in Controle
heh matrix style.....i should do that ........:sleep:
I also get these dreams where im fighting this dude, and every time i fight him my punches are all slow and ****. It kinda gets me mad, because i can never land a punch on him.
ganton said:
i don't have many dreams,,,i am too manly to have them
But when you do have them it usually involves you sucking another guys dick, right?


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