The Dream Thread

There are some dreams (I didn't had any so far) that you actually dream of something, like a murder for example, and in the next day or so (in real life) it actually happens..
demonflair said:
There are some dreams (I didn't had any so far) that you actually dream of something, like a murder for example, and in the next day or so (in real life) it actually happens..
Yeah dude i hear about stuff like that also. I kinda had a dream like that one time... except nobody was murdered lol.

I just passed this store i never saw before the next morning, and in my dream the previous night i imagined it being some gun store in the future.
Ibiza used to have this nightmare when i was about 4 EVERY single night:

I would get out of bed then a deep voice coming out of a box on my wardrobe would say:
Look into the big black box...
Then i would wake up screaming. I still don't like thinking about it now.
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demonflair said:
There are some dreams (I didn't had any so far) that you actually dream of something, like a murder for example, and in the next day or so (in real life) it actually happens..

My uncles father (he's a pastor) had a dream quite a bit ago about these numbers, he said he specificlly remembered every number. His wife told him to play the lottery with those numbers, he said he wouldnt because hes not a gambling man. The next day those numbers won the georgia lottery I think it was like 10 million :yikes:
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bonodo said:
Ibiza used to have this nightmare when i was about 4 EVERY single night:

I would get out of bed then a deep voice coming out of a box on my wardrobe would say:

Then i would wake up screaming. I still don't like thinking about it now.

wait what? who is ibiza is that you?? ugh i hate when posts make no sense
Kiwi said:
Yeah dude i hear about stuff like that also. I kinda had a dream like that one time... except nobody was murdered lol.

I just passed this store i never saw before the next morning, and in my dream the previous night i imagined it being some gun store in the future.


This dreams can be helpful when it involves a kidnap, for example, if some one dreams about the child being in some place and if that person believes in that goes to talk to the cops, and if they go to that exact place described by that person who dreamed about it, and find the child, then it's really weird but amazingly helpful..

chach said:
My uncles father (he's a pastor) had a dream quite a bit ago about these numbers, he said he specificlly remembered every number. His wife told him to play the lottery with those numbers, he said he wouldnt because hes not a gambling man. The next day those numbers won the georgia lottery I think it was like 10 million :yikes:

Oh My God :sick:
Sorry, the wii likes changing my words.

Here you go:

bonodo said:
I used to have this nightmare when i was about 4 EVERY single night:

I would get out of bed then a deep voice coming out of a box on my wardrobe would say:

Then i would wake up screaming. I still don't like thinking about it now.
My dreams really seem to be totally random. Typically, in my dreams things that shouldn't be together are, events can happen for no reason and nothing makes any sense. I'm not sure if they even have a meaning, or if they're just random amalgamations of my memory. I've never dreamed about falling though.

The last dream I remember, I'm apparently in what someone claims is my old primary school (even though it looks nothing like it) taking a test, even though I'm as old as I am now (everyone else in the room is an adult too). I wander around in the dark corridors at night for some reason, step through a door and find myself in a party where some people are eating pasta. Told you my dreams don't make any sense.
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wario2ooo said:
i have dreams that i cant get out of my sleep

Me too all the time, but it only occurs when I lucid dream. I have a really bad case of sleep paralysis I'll be asleep but my eyes are open and I cant talk move or anything! Just thinking about it creeps me out, thats why I dont like lucid dreaming that often anymore...

paintba||er said:

I did. A long time ago...

wtf you did? It still has you grey, maybe I messed up on the code or you did either way I'll check it later.

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