The Dream Thread

I have dreams sometimes where I do something in the dream and they do something almost exactly the same in real life. Its weird.

Didn't have a dream last night, wonder why :lol:
i also have dreams where i get up and do a bunch of stuff, and then when i really wake up i realize i havent actually cleaned my room and done the dishes...*sigh* it sucks.
CantGetAWii said:
I have dreams sometimes where I do something in the dream and they do something almost exactly the same in real life. Its weird.

Didn't have a dream last night, wonder why :lol:
everyone Dreams, not everyone remember when they wake up..thats why i made my Dream Diary.. each morning i wake up and i write my Dream in it..makes me remember them and i can study them after wards
I'll tell you tomorrow. :p I don't remember my dreams very Demon said, everyone dreams every time they sleep, it's just whether not you remember them.
TortillaChip520 said:
maybe i should start writing down my dreams... even though they scar me enough from what i CAN remember..
Actually in my Book it says that when you write them down..the Negitive Dreams will go away apparently
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I seem to have more vivid and dream more often when I dont smoke pot.

I'll keep my laptop by my side tonight if I wake up to right a dream down if I have one.
chach said:
I seem to have more vivid and dream more often when I dont smoke pot.

I'll keep my laptop by my side tonight if I wake up to right a dream down if I have one.
Good Idea..and pot is bad for should not smoke it..but meh, i'm not your mom..
I keep having these dreams that I'm looking for something. And in real life they are really missing. So I wake up and look were I found them in my dream and they were there :yikes:
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Demon Slayer said:
Good Idea..and pot is bad for should not smoke it..but meh, i'm not your mom..

It's really not as bad as you may think, less harmful then cigarettes less harmful then alcohol. Dont let "The Mans" propaganda get you, do your own reasearch and then decide for yourself. Plus I cook with it and use a vaporizer making it much less harmful the inhaling carbons while smoking.
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lol Its not like Im buying pounds at a time you guys are so naive sometimes


I work because I have to pay rent food bills, real world sucks haha..

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