The "Create an Item" Contest

Is it 1 entry per person? Or can we make more?

Nimoi, why don't you add the current entry's to the first post on this thread. That way, it would be easier to keep track of the items.
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Name of item:Trifaster or (like triforce and blaster...LOLZ...:scared: ) OR TFB...for triforce blaster
Series:Star Fox/Zelda Mashup
Effect: Shoots pieces of triforce, and they stick into the player. once three pieces stick a player, if he's your teammate, he gets powered up so his hits do more damage, and if it's an enemy, they can get possessed by the triforce and they get slammed on the ground a few times. This adds strategy : Do i wanna stick up my own teammate to beef him up or go for the enemies and try to take them out myself.
Comments: Made this in Paint. If i had GIMP or photoshop this wouldve looked a lot better. PS this contest rules. PSS REMEMBER, it only shoots individual triforce pieces, you gotta stick 3 for the effect.

EDIT:finally had to create a photobucket acct. for it to embed right. SHEESH!
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  • #18
Yes, it is going to be a vote. You may make another but you can only really submit one.

And, I'll add the entries to the first post. ;D
Wario said:
:ee5k: Oh......I'm sorry...I guess this means i'm disqualified, right? :confused:
Better ask Nimoi.

It shouldn't be hard to make another one though.

You could always just change the colours and give it a new name :lol:
FRuMMaGe said:
Better ask Nimoi.

It shouldn't be hard to make another one though.

You could always just change the colours and give it a new name :lol:
:lol: I'll get right on that...*goes off to Photoshop*
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  • #24
Alright, I see that it has been done before. I'll remove your entry until you can get a new one posted. :)

Name: Chomp Mushroom
Series: Mario Brothers
Effect: Turns what ever character you are playing as into a rabid Chain Chomp. It clears away any blocks, enemies, or obstacles out of your way.....but is extremely hard to control. USE WITH CAUTION.
Comments: Yeah...done in Photoshop....but I feel like I could've done better. *blink blink*
Wario said:

Name: Chomp Mushroom
Series: Mario Brothers
Effect: Turns what ever character you are playing as into a rabid Chain Chomp. It clears away any blocks, enemies, or obstacles out of your way.....but is extremely hard to control. USE WITH CAUTION.
Comments: Yeah...done in Photoshop....but I feel like I could've done better. *blink blink*
haha! nice :yesnod:
sorry if this is already an item

because i never played a mario party game

but i know its not on the normal mario games


Name of item: Bolt mushroom

Series: Mario

Effect: it has 2 effects

1.mario can throw little lightning bolts (kinda like the fire)

2.he can make a lightning bolt come to the ground (kinda like pikachus down B move in ssbm)

1.i got a normal mushroom

2.i went to gimp and pasted the mushroom on there

3.i pressed the "colorify" button to make it yelow

4.i went to find 2 lightning bolts

5.i put the lightning bolts behind the mushroom

6.then it was complete :yesnod:
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  • #28
Nice submissions, but the lightning mushroom already exists. It looks nothing like yours and does not have the same effects as yours though, so, change the name or something. Heheh.

Name: Goom Mushroom
Series: Mario Bros
Effect: Makes Mario turn into a Goomba.As a Goomba he can run much faster than normal and foes will not attack him.He can also go in smaller passages.The only disidvantige is that Mario cant jump as high and his attack drops.
Comments: I combinded a super mushroom with a Goomba and colored the mushroom brown and blue.

Sorry its a little small......
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Nick Atack said:

Name: Goom Mushroom
Series: Mario Bros
Effect: Makes Mario turn into a Goomba.As a Goomba he can run much faster than normal and foes will not attack him.He can also go in smaller passages.The only disidvantige is that Mario cant jump as high and his attack drops.
Comments: I combinded a super mushroom with a Goomba and colored the mushroom brown and blue.
Isn't that already a mushroom?

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