The "Create a Costume" Contest

Lol, mine sucks but I don't care, took me about 5 minutes...
killik119 said:
I'd say, it's pretty obvious that people with photoshop, paint, etc are going to win. Us pencil and pen users don't stand a chance. Photoshop, bunch of new age hooey if you ask me!

Trust me, in the hands of someone skilled, a real drawing will always look better than cheap computer stuff.
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New submissions have been added to the front page. Thanks guys.
i hope its not too late too submit mine....


NAME: Earth mario

COMMENTS:there was already ice, and fire, why not earth?
if you want to see it large, just click on the pic
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I would like to replace the picture of Dark Waluigi with a new one I made.


Name:Curropted Gannon
Comment: Just Gannon but 200000000000 TIMES STRONGER.......and cooler.....and stuff.....and it's really sloppy because I did it quick.....yeah. TELL ME WHAT YOU PEOPLE THINK!!
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LinksDarkSide said:
So? It's just non edited art with added waviness.
No its not I darkened his skin made his red eyed added some darkness there!
WTF that isn't just a picture of ganondorf!And change his sword

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