What items would you like to see?

Vemonous Dot

Metroid Lover
Oct 24, 2006
Here are some items I'd like: Character Items! They can be used by any character, but are best with a certain character, like a Fire Flower for Mario. If, say, Fox uses it, it shoots fireballs in a straight line, knocking enemies back and doing damage. However, if Mario uses it, it shoots fireballs in a wide arc, juggling characters and doing lots of damage.

Also, maybe Armor. You pick it up, and your damage counter will be replaced with a health meter, and when you get hit, it takes damage. When it runs out of health, it breaks and you take damage normally. A rare item, slows you down, and makes you fall faster.

Any ideas?
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Oh, how about a Koopa Shell, like in Super Mario 64. It can launch enemies into the air, and damage them.

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