create your own item contest!!!!!

dark samus

come to the dark side....
Aug 22, 2007
victoria, australia
Wii Online Code
i know theres another thread on this but its ended so i made another one heres what its about:

make up a item that hasnt been thought of yet, can be from/for any game you want. competition ends in a week from now (where i am) which is the 7th of january

how to enter:

(wiichat name)

no copying or items that have already been made
no rude items
enter before competition ends

i'll submit mine as an example but i am also entering too
zombie shroom.JPG
dark samus
i done it in paint, i didn't think i would win. that's why i submitted.

turns mario into zombie mario, invincible to all attacks, can walk through lava but if mario touches water (or any other liquids) he will transform back to normal mario allows you to jump higher and can turn into a turtle shell that deals instant ko's to weak enemies.

have fun, and good luck!

EDIT: can someone tell me how to make the pictures appear larger, and i dont know how to submit other peoples multiple pictures. any help?
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kronau said:

its called the cat hat and when mario puts it on he turns into NEDM cat and gets the power to fly and laz0r beam eyes!


was this a serious post?, cause it dosnt look serious.
dark samus said:
was this a serious post?, cause it dosnt look serious.

Kronau is very $^%* SERIOUS ! LAZ0R B34MS 4 3Y3Z RULEZ ESP3CIALLY ON A CAT!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111

Kronau you didnt make any of those images ! :O

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Emo Mushroom (Emoshroom)

When a combatant picks the item up, he may throw it, which, immediately turns your opponents percentage higher and higher because your opponent will get a knife and start slitting his/her wrists. The only way to be immune to the Emoshroom is if you are using the item, "Reality Check".


...Wait, haven't I seen this before?

Nimoi said:
Effect: Turns Mario into "Ice Suit Mario" which is similar to Fire Mario, only with white and arctic blue overalls and hat. Ice Suit Mario throws freezing cold ice balls which make the ground freezing where they land causing any enemies to come near freeze. An Ice Ball also freezes any enemy who is hit by it.
Comments: This item is similar to the Ice Flower in Super Mario Galaxy, only the Ice Flower makes Mario turn into a Frozen Sculpture similar to Metal Mario. If a Flower Makes Mario turn into a Frozen Ice Mario, then the Mushroom does what the Fire Flower does for Mario in a sense. If there where a Fire Mushroom, then I am sure Mario's whole body would catch ablaze for a short time. Heheh.

Now that I am not running the contest I can see how well my example will stack up. :)

Edit: (This page is the first result if you google "Create an Item Contest" without quotes. Cool.)
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ok, submittings finished, now everyone has 1 week to vote.

2 votes each each has to be for different people you can vote for yourself.

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