The "Create a Costume" Contest

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  • #47
Sorry I am late, I have been away. From this point on, no new entries will be accepted.

I'll get the voting topic started. :)
Rain Foxx said:
GanNeOn's is not just a picture of ganondorf!

I beg to differ. He just added waviness to an already existing image and passed it off as his own. It is actually Ganondorf from Twilight Princess.
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  • #49
LinksDarkSide said:
I beg to differ. He just added waviness to an already existing image and passed it off as his own. It is actually Ganondorf from Twilight Princess.

Proof and it will be removed.

Here's the proof.
the sword, yeah, but it's the same image. Everone else actually made an attempt to change it completely. I took the initiative of hand-drawing mine.
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I say it is enough of an edit. He did change it. In my opinion it isn't different enough to signify an alternate costume by Brawls standards, but for this contest, yes, it is good enough of a change. Also, the aura... Yeah. If he were to simply change the color, would you complain then? He darkened it, same basic concept.

And don't worry, you drew yours. People who like that kind of thing will give their votes to you. :)
Drawing it is the old-fashioned way and will look much more loved than a computer-made one.

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