Super Powers with a Twist

Die if you touch an enemy with anything but your feet

I want the power to fire lasers from my finger tips
That ain't less lame... ... ...

There can only be one. Ya must dethrone Wolverine in a fight to the death to obtain the power of foot dive.

I want the power t' dream within a dream.
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  • #35
They are all nightmares that you cannot wake yourself out of

I want the power to make whatever food I want taste like anything I desire.
Granted, but it only applies to when people are voting for the position of local dogcatcher.

I want the power to turn water into beer.
u can only do this while wearing a cape and riding a cow backwards!

i want the ability to fly.
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  • #39
You can only do so while holding your breath.

I want the ability to make people do whatever I want.
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  • #41
Granted. You can now learn the brand new "any" language.

I want the power to fart fire without it hurting me.
Granted, but now all your farts come out your mouth. LOL

I want the power to turn on electical items with my mind.
Each use causes short, temporary paralysis due to nerve signal interference.

I want the power to be a wi-fi hotspot.
You get the power to be a wi-fi hot spot, but it only works for creepy old men looking to download asian animal porn, and you have to watch all of it.

I wish for the power to edit other people's posts.
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  • #45
Granted but you can no longer post anything yourself. You can ONLY edit other peoples posts.

I want the power to read a book just by looking at it

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