Super Mario Galaxy- best Nintendo game?

i have to say at the least its in the top 3 best mario games. only one i can think of that realy gives it a run is Mario 3. way better than M64 and zelda ....any thing . for me though i dont think it beats my #1 game FF6 on the snes.
I have 102 stars, haven't get all the stars yet, but I'm almost there!

I is the best game of the year for the wii.
I totally agree with disturbed; let alone the drama, the feel story, the addiction, the undecisiveness of what to do next, the features just makes it the best game.
I picked it up a while back. Have yet to beat it but after reading everyone praise I think I just might have too get on that in the morrow.
I wouldn't exactly call it the "best" nintendo game out there. I would say it is ONE of the best games out there that is worth buying.
Whoo first post! =D I would say that Super Mario Galaxy is one of the best games on the Wii and it is my second favorite game of all time (after Super Mario Bros.) I love the story, the levels, and the graphics are really good for a Wii game. AND THE SOUNDTRACK! Oh my god. I think I'm obsessed with that soundtrack. I want the CD really bad but it's expensive. :/ So, I don't think that it's the BEST Nintendo game ever created. I'd say that's Super Mario Bros. ;)
I think this game is one of the best games of all time, but, Super Mario Galaxy 2 is coming out next year and that, if everything goes right, should be better!

Super Mario Galaxy is a good game!:papermario:
i dunt agree, but that's my opinion. It was really fun at first but the levels just got boring because i thought it was repetitive

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