Galaxy Sale Fail

I'm don't know why the article is titled "failed" cause that's far from it.. What do they want every Wii owner to get SMG and sell rate to be steady at 1mil for months?

Wii's console number sold can't really be compared with how much software should sell because its audience is big. Some people who have Wii probably isn't interested in SMG so that can contribute. As oppose to 360 where most owner bought it for fps or Halo.

And taking into consideration of the month as well I say the sale rate isn't "failling" but that's just me.
T3kNi9e said:
Halo 3 sold 8.1 million

Got any proof to back that up? That info was released as of the 3rd of January by none other than Microsoft

Lets just go based on what we know.

Xbox 360 has 11-12 million consoles in homes in the USA right now. They have sold shy of 5 million Halo 3 copys to these consoles as of the END of January based on NPD numbers. So roughly 40-45% of the owners in the USA have picked it up so far.

T3kNi9e said:
Actually Halo 3 sold 8.1 million worldwide as of January 3rd. But seeing as its Halo, most all of those were American sales alone.

Based on your own opinion the majority of games have sold in the USA which I agree its much more popular in the states than the rest of the world but lets just say the same amount of console owners bought the same percentage of games around the world.

Europe "other countrys" and Japan own about 6 million 360 consoles if 40-45% of them bought Halo 3 then about 2.5 million copies were sold as of the END of January

Giving us a brand new total of about 7.5 Million as of the END of January if guessing that the rest of the world accepted it as well as the USA. Which most likely is not the case.

Still gonna believe everything Microsoft tells ya? Or are you gonna use common sense? Your the one that usually commits to NPD numbers over everything else.

Not that this isn't impressive numbers! What other game can claim that kinda rep on any other console beyond a bundle game? Not Many, Specially percentage wise, Its great selling game no doubt. "Best Selling Game Ever" like so many people believe, hard to prove untill finnal "true" numbers come out and that usually isn't untill they make the last copy of Halo 3 and we see how many are still sitting on the shelfs.
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Douten said:
I'm don't know why the article is titled "failed" cause that's far from it.. What do they want every Wii owner to get SMG and sell rate to be steady at 1mil for months?

Wii's console number sold can't really be compared with how much software should sell because its audience is big. Some people who have Wii probably isn't interested in SMG so that can contribute. As oppose to 360 where most owner bought it for fps or Halo.

And taking into consideration of the month as well I say the sale rate isn't "failling" but that's just me.

Exactly, Wii owners are much more deverse than 360 owners in not only age but for taste in games.

Even so it is still the 2nd best overall selling game this GEN, only being beaten out by a "Hardcore" title like Halo 3, which has been out longer and in terms of time to sales "using the real NPD or fake MS" numbers show SMG acctually out selling Halo 3 on a month to month basis, with both of them slowing down dramatically after christmas. In terms of failing its dead wrong its just very common sales trends for the time of year, and everyone is being effected not just SMG.
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I am surprised that SMG hasn't sold more, but still, I wouldn't call that a failure, and, as pointed out, there's other factors involved...namely, the shortage of Wiis.

And the sales certainly don't reflect the quality of the game. In my opinion, Galaxy is one of the finest games ever created. :D
that doesnt come as a shocker to me, i know the game is good, but i could see from a mile away that it would sell as good a anticipated.

But im curious, that post.... it states that its the highest rated game of all time, from who though?
i think nintendo could make more wiis faster if they wanted. They simply don't want to drop selling price. It's the old supply and demand. If no one has notice both microsoft and sony have dropped the selling price of their systems, and their systems are way easier to find. good strategy to keep up profits
SMG has sold almost 6 million copies currently! It's sold more copies than Gears of War, and is only 1.6 million copies away from Halo 3. Who wrote that article? This is why I qoute actual sales figures from NPD, Gamasutra, and LEGIT news sources.

Most PS3 games have sold less than 800,000 copies. The current highest selling PS3 games are Motorstorm, and Resistance 2.7-2.5 million copies. The highest selling 360 game is Halo 3 at 7.4 million, and the highest selling Wii game next to Wiiplay's 10 million copies, is Wiisports at 19 million copies.
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sagema said:
SMG has sold almost 6 million copies currently! It's sold more copies than Gears of War, and is only 1.6 million copies away from Halo 3. Who wrote that article? This is why I qoute actual sales figures from NPD, Gamasutra, and LEGIT news sources.

Most PS3 games have sold less than 800,000 copies. The current highest selling PS3 games are Motorstorm, and Resistance 2.7-2.5 million copies. The highest selling 360 game is Halo 3 at 7.4 million, and the highest selling Wii game next to Wiiplay's 10 million copies, is Wiisports at 19 million copies.
Well Wiisports DOES come with the system, unless these figures include japan.
CocoSSBB said:
Well Wiisports DOES come with the system, unless these figures include japan.

They do include Japan's sales. Wii sports has sold about 2.9 million copies in japan, not bad considering they are just shy of 6 million Wii's in Japan as well so 50% of japan's Wii owners still went and bought Wii Sports. They did get the console at a cheeper price though.
May I add that other highly ranked games fell off the map also. What you guys are finding out is these games may be rated high yet they are not even close to being addictive or even some thing you want to play every day. The whole ratings thing is messed up because it only judges the quality of graphics and animation not the what draws the players in which is the quality of the game play.

Galaxy got those parts right yet if they really wanted to make us happy they would have figured out how to make mario 3 all over again and in 3D!

I'm expecting this game to have legs though because it's a mario game. Then again the every one channel may fix this also. It may actualy need more ads to reach the people who don't know about it. It still sold in the hundred thousands. Yet I think there are a lot of older gamers with the Wii meaning the new comers and the 3 to 2 system gamers. These guys have grown out of mario and the 3d platforming may not be extreme enough for them. I still love racing thur the old mario games and even the first mario game incredibly.
WHY!?!? WHY does everyone get the impression that a good game equals good sales?? Marketing is the biggest factor for sales in any industry. My friend came over one day to play Mario Galaxy and he kept telling me how he thought the game was gonna suck because of the commercial. Adverising could be a real monster if used properly.

Now think about Halo 3's marketing. When the game was release I couldn't watch TV without seeing that damn Mountain Dew Game Fuel commercial. I can assure you that if Mario Galaxy's ads were all over the place and in your local supermarket sales would have been way higher. Possibly higher than Halo 3-but im not sure they would certainly be neck and neck.
Cpt.McCloud said:
When I say shocker I mean well, the fastest selling video game console of all time has the second highest rated game ever yet it does well for two months then dies.

Think, around 4 Million games sold but like 20 million consoles. The lack of consoles isn't an excuse since there is 16 million who didn't buy the game.


And considering the Wii cant play DVDs, Blu-Ray or HD-DVD (RIP), what ARE the owners doing with their Wii's? I agree, it doesnt make much sense, you'd expect a drop in sales, not a complete drop off the radar...
Again guys when you look at month to month sales the game is doing great!
It's just not the time of year for game sales. So far the rumors for Feb's sales are higher than Januarys, haven't heard on Halo 3's numbers yet. COD4 is selling solid allt he time though.

NO ONE buys stuff up the month after christmas, thats when you have to pay off your credit cards ha ha.. It's not failing in any sense of the word and it hasn't been on the market long enough to even claim that it might fail!

Look for yourself--->

There wasn't a single game in the month of January that broke a million in sales. There are a few on the list of hot sellers including Wii-play,SMG,GH3,COD4,Burnout all in the top 10. And honestly they all did bad in comparison to any other time of the year.

The top game if you include all consoles
would actually be GH3 but that has more to do with limited stock than anything... people wanting to buy it for christmas but it wasnt available again till the begining of January.

Eaither way stop getting your panties in a twist without the information first. We still haev no clue how well it will do its the end of Month 4 for the game with still limited stock of consoles. Who knows how many future and current owners will pick it up!

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