Galaxy best game of all time? Dont think so

Fire Flower said:
Lol. Halo? Didnt even come close to Ocarina of time.

true, true.

also, by ratings it really IS the best game of all time. ;)
sorry my bad! didnt mean to spoil it for ya! just bought RE Chronicles! man its gud!

I got Galaxy for my BDay 55 stars sofar, its the best game iv played thus far.
There should be strong similarities to mario 64 because galaxy is mario 64 2.

Which halo did you think was better, cause halo 3 isnt - the campaign is very short, i got a Gold Account to play it online, did that for awhile CSS owns it ass anyday, IMO Halo 3 is an overhyped game that doesent deliver anything new at all.

If you dont think Galaxy is the best game of all time, thats ok.
Noone said it was, its the best reviewed game of all time.
raisinghelen said:
I doubt that Halo would barely make it in the top 10 FPS games and it certainly is not a contender for best game ever.

The best game of all time is of course open to personal opinion but if going by review scores then SMG is right up there.

Super Mario Galaxy imo is probably the best platform game ever made. Mario 64 was amazing when it was released and Galaxy keeps the same fundamentals but expands on it with the crazy twists in the dimensions.

Amen. Too many fanboy-ism and not enough knowledge of other ((keyword: better)) FPS games. As others have said, it was ridiculous to even compare the 2 games as their not related. And I personally find Halo to be pathetic, but I won't debate it's lameness here.
to be completely honest! i think u cnt really compare it to mario 64 becuz the worlds are just too different and marios abilities during the game are much better! imagine the spin attack in mario 64! i dnt reckon it wud of worked!
dark samus said:
thats bull it dosnt even come close to oot

I personally don't believe it comes close to Ocarina Of Time but many people do and that's why it's the best game of all time (tied wit OoT). I say OoT is better but they both have a 9.6.
fredes99 said:
I know it has been voted best game of all time but what im asking is do you agree. So you should know your facts before posting. DURRR:crazy:

Ok. I don't agree. I say OoT
but they different games! how can u compare them wid eachother? p.s im goin to add u to my wii red 12 and im gunna add ya strikers FC too! add me as wel please!
It is actually up to each individual gamer >>>>>>

id agree. to this day my fav game is magnavox Odyssey Football. a game panned in reviews even in its time.
Well, definetely not in my opinion. There are WAY better games than Galaxy, but this just slayed it's way to the top.
Guess What The #1 Game Of All Time Actually is? Super Mario Bros.

#2 Tetris
#3 Civilization II
#4 Ocarina Of Time
#5 Super Mario 64


Someone Just Got Owned...

Dude seriously im like the biggest wii game critic in here and i have to say that Halo is not better than this game. I cant say its the best game of all time but i cant argue against it being one of the greatest games of all time.
Doesn't even stand up to Halo? What the heck?

Halo is just a FPS, among with many other FPS's. Sure it's a great game, but you can't say Galaxy doesn't come close to it. If you reallu think that, I must pity you, and it would be safe to say you haven't really played SMG, because you're missing out on a must-have gaming experience.

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