Galaxy best game of all time? Dont think so

Ive got 60 stars so far, my only problem with the game SO FAR, and i cant stress that enough, is that it is way too easy. Remember i havent got all the stars.

Best Game Ever? No. Super Mario 3 is better, but still. It gets closer than most.
XxRed12xX said:
Hold up. This thread is really not needed. Galaxy has already been voted best game of all time ( tied with OoT). So you should know your facts before posting. I could understand if you wanted to discuss why it's number or why you disagree but you should Already know SMG is the highest rated game of all time/.

thats bull it dosnt even come close to oot
Sillyhat said:
I honestly think its no better than Super Mario 64 or Super Mario Sunshine.

I agree. I found Galaxy to be a lot like 64 in many ways.

That's not to say Galaxy isn't a great game, but it's probably not even in the top 10 of the best games I've played (for their time). It would probably land in my top 50 though if I was forced to make a list.
It is actually up to each individual gamer to decide which game is the best game of all time. It all depends on personal opinions, nothing more.
everyone is gonna have there own thought on which game is the best of all time, to be honest, there prob isnt, cuz just cuz u love it joe shmodown the street might hate me i treat all games equal they are all art in there own way..yes i like some more then others, but i still show my respect.
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XxRed12xX said:
Hold up. This thread is really not needed. Galaxy has already been voted best game of all time ( tied with OoT). So you should know your facts before posting. I could understand if you wanted to discuss why it's number or why you disagree but you should Already know SMG is the highest rated game of all time/.

I know it has been voted best game of all time but what im asking is do you agree. So you should know your facts before posting. DURRR:crazy:
i think tht mario galaxy is brill! i cudnt stop playin it for 3 days and i made sure i got all 120 stars and then luigi bloody pops up! ive still got bout 50 stars to get wid him left! I thought SMG was just top-notch! the orchestrated music really got to me! i keep bloody whistling and humming it to myself! p.s i dnt get the ending!
[ /spoiler] wht does mario mean when he says welcome to new galaxy???? be nice im naive!

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I think they meant best Mario game of all time? I doubt they'd say the best game of all time... that's a bit over exaggurated..
Okay to the person who has a picture in his post of mario and a star I noticed that you wrote "I don't get the ending where Mario says" and then I forced myself to quickly stop reading and held scroll down. Can you edit your post and put
[ /spoiler] tags around your question as I would hate for it to be important to the ending and have it wrecked for people.
Taero said:
Okay to the person who has a picture in his post of mario and a star I noticed that you wrote "I don't get the ending where Mario says" and then I forced myself to quickly stop reading and held scroll down. Can you edit your post and put
[ /spoiler] tags around your question as I would hate for it to be important to the ending and have it wrecked for people.
too late. :(
Taero said:
Okay to the person who has a picture in his post of mario and a star I noticed that you wrote "I don't get the ending where Mario says" and then I forced myself to quickly stop reading and held scroll down. Can you edit your post and put
[ /spoiler] tags around your question as I would hate for it to be important to the ending and have it wrecked for people.
Believe me, it's not an important ending.

In fact, it's just one of those things that they say at the end in a sum-it-all-up kind of way. It's not very impressive.

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