Super Mario Galaxy- best Nintendo game?

Ocarina of time was a blast, but I think I'll enjoy Galaxy better.

Just a little info: Everyone (Well, a lot of people) say how MS and Sony make much better games than Nintendo? They're wrong. The top three rated games of all time are made by Nintendo. Galaxy, Ocarina, and Metroid Prime.
In my opinion Super Mario Galaxy is the best Nintendo- Game ever made.

Yes, it's quite easy, but the rest is excellent.

Maybe my opinion will change with the release of SSBB.

:blush2: :blush2: :blush2: ocarina is the game which explored all the aspects of gaming, first time around. I rate a game mainly by how much the programmers have put work and new ideas into it. I measure their sophistication adnd way of thinking. Because this is what ultimately transpires to great games...

Ocarina redifined gaming.. But it's sad that no one has attempted anything like that since. It's a loss for us gamers..
A novice gameplayer .....

This has been the best game I have ever played. For novice's to gaming like me it has good game play, story & I can actually play it!!!!

My partner who is an Xbox head is hooked on this game now also :lol:

I took my copy to my brothers for his daughter to have a look/play to see if she wanted to get it for her Wii. She didn't want me to go home so she could keep playing. I left with my brother having to deal with her begging him to buy it!

I cannot wait to finish it (52 stars) and start again.

5/5 here. More games like this please.
ChristmasWii said:
This has to go down as one of the greatest games ever made. The story is alright, but the game is just amazing. I am having a blast with it (55 stars). I think it might go down as these top 5 games (no order): Ocarina of Time, Galaxy, Link to the Past, Super Mario Brothers 3, and Super Mario Brothers.

Anyone else absolutely loving this game?
It OFFICIALLY the game of the year.

Considering Halo 3 was released in the same year, this is a MASSIVE achievement :yesnod:

Personally, I prefer Halo 3, but this game was good fun as well. Halo 3 has more staying power though due to the awesome online play.
The best Nintendo game? No.
My favorites go in this order:
Ocarina of Time
Metroid Prime
(FFVII would go here but it's not Nintendo)
And then MAYBE Galaxy.
But it's still an amazing game nonetheless. :D
Meh, not best game ever, far too easy. But it is a very good game.

Top 5: (Main Mario Games)

1. Super Mario Brothers 3
2. Super Mario Brothers
3. Super Mario World
4. Super Mario 64
5. Super Mario Galaxy.

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