Super Mario Galaxy- best Nintendo game?

yes i think it is one of my favorite games on the wii console but zelda tp is a close second, if not as good as.
Best title on the Wii by a mile, the best title on a Nintendo system since Ocarina of Time. Honestly, the only thing that can beat it is fresh baked cookies from grandmas oven.
I picked up the game 2 months later after winning it with Mario. I managed to collect all 242 stars (You have to play the game twice, once per character). The fact that I went back to the game after a mere 2 months shows it's one of the best games I own. Only a handful of games I owned have been replayed begining to end more than 3 times.
I think it is certainly close enough to being one of the best. I suppose this could be seen as an opinionated decision, because some people may dislike mario games, but to me it's one of the best.
{Axtlár} said:
Best Nintendo game? that's hilarious. More likely the EASIEST Nintendo game...Sorry, guys, but I think Wario Ware Smooth Moves is better, oh and wait for Brawl and it'll blow Galaxy outta the water.
Purple Stars

Anyway, SSBB will probably be better than SMG, but that's only because I love it so much. For other people, SMG might be a lot better than it.
{Axtlár} said:
Best Nintendo game? that's hilarious. More likely the EASIEST Nintendo game...Sorry, guys, but I think Wario Ware Smooth Moves is better, oh and wait for Brawl and it'll blow Galaxy outta the water.

i agree with Axtlar because virtually ever level in SMG is the same there are no real challenges in it. The levels dont get harder as u advance they just stay the same just a different theme.

it is not like most video games that progressivly get harder.

Smash Bros. is going to be #1 when it comes out
TransAm317 said:
i agree with Axtlar because virtually ever level in SMG is the same there are no real challenges in it. The levels dont get harder as u advance they just stay the same just a different theme.

it is not like most video games that progressivly get harder.

Smash Bros. is going to be #1 when it comes out
if u are talking about the level of difficulty and enemies than i agree with u but if u re ralking about level design for eac level, than i ahve to day u are wrong because every level in smg is unique and feels fresh every time.
The only thing they could've done to make this game better is put back the old life bar and make the level difficulty higher for the first 60 stars. This game is still one of my all-time favorites.
C1audio said:
SMG best game ever made no, 1 of the greatest games that will never be forgotten yes :crazy:

exactly this is the best of the best i can't wait to play it again in 10 years as a classic
thetooth said:
exactly this is the best of the best i can't wait to play it again in 10 years as a classic
If it is such a great game, then why arent you playing it now Why do you have to play it ten years from now. Even games that i like but they arent anything great i at least play them once a year. Oviously Super Mario Galexy isnt that great.
It's difficult to judge what is the BEST Nintendo game and personally, I don't think it should even be done. Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and it's fun to compare ideas. That being said, I love Nintendo games,in general, because of the imaginative worlds, the creative and fun environments and game-play. Super Mario Galaxy might be the most enjoyable Nintendo game, in terms of gameplay, in my opinion, and definitely is a wonderfully fresh and innovative experience. In a broad perspective, Super Mario Galaxy is, to me, Nintendo's most creatively realized game, Nintendo's fullest and most enjoyable experience and a platformer that I think will continue pushing games forward with its innovation and creativity.
May the cratches of krootsteid cretch your crest!

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