SOTW #7 Application

Lmao, I would lmao if I saw that because I made that lol, step by step I made up, F.Y.I, I have a video of me making it so if your curious I'll just put it up. I guess I could make a tut of it, if it is good. :)

And thank you :)
theres no doubt in my head that you made it, i just saw a tut the other day on da, that looks simmilar to it
and it is really good
Oh. >.<

Thanks for the compliments, if you made your sig, then your really good !
Lmao, yeah I know, too lazy :(

Will fix soon, though. :)
When I saw the topic title, I was thinking of either God Of War or Gears Of War. But I have only played God Of War, so I felt as if I knew Kratos better. Thats why I chose God Of War as my entry.
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Where do you people find all these fit Gears of War renders?!?! Whenever I look for them, I just find overused ones :/ :rolleyes: though, I don't think for this SOTW I'll be making a GoW one, though I'll probably make one for me to use generally :] IF I can find a good render/stock to use :rolleyes:
Brawny said:
w00t. brother's in arms render FTW.

WWII.....what other wars are there?


Cold War

Korean conflict

The battle of hastings

Etc Etc the list goes on.
Byuakuya said:
I think the last one will not be so good for this topic. :lol:

Hmm, its still a war:lol:

Plus you could use that guy off the advert.

0800 00 1066:lol:

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