SOTW #7 Application

tarheelsuperman said:
ok...remember I new to this but what do you mean by overlayed? do you think it should stand out more, ie take away the brushes on top of the weapon?

Thanks for the critique, it helps me in my learning process.

Overlayed it's like being transparantize...

Cknapp151 said:
Yea but mines from god of war 1

Ah ok, sorry :)

Pras said:
I might actually try and enter this time around. :lol:

Finaly :)

It's about time Pras, I'm sure you'll be a great ad for this SOTW week :)
Yeah, since i am giving up with SOTW, byuakuya can fill my spot:lol:
demonflair said:
Whaaa?? Why giving up Jam?? Don't tell me it's because you can't improve in the makings of sigs... :\

Got it in one.

I havnt improved at all since i began:lol:

Say what you want;) tyler has already said I'm a whiny n00b:lol:

I might enter but unlikely, just the finishing last everyweek just isnt doing it for me.
Cpt.McCloud said:
Got it in one.

I havnt improved at all since i began:lol:

Say what you want;) tyler has already said I'm a whiny n00b:lol:

I might enter but unlikely, just the finishing last everyweek just isnt doing it for me.

If you say so... :\

You still can improve, just search for a good GIMP tut, I'm sure there's a lot of great GIMP tuts over the net. Ask Brawny or Dain99el how to work with GIMP, there's a lot of things you can do Jam... why quiting then??
I am sorry Demonflair, but I just couldn't think of anything else other than God Of War for this topic. I apologise in advance if it appears as if I have copied your character. But here is my entry:

demonflair said:
If you say so... :\

You still can improve, just search for a good GIMP tut, I'm sure there's a lot of great GIMP tuts over the net. Ask Brawny or Dain99el how to work with GIMP, there's a lot of things you can do Jam... why quiting then??

I'm not quitting sig's:lol:

Just might not be enterring SOTW for ages.

I will make sigs just probably not show them;)

I might only enter SOTW when i can make respectable sigs.
Byuakuya said:
I am sorry Demonflair, but I just couldn't think of anything else other than God Of War for this topic. I apologise in advance if it appears as if I have copied your character. But here is my entry:


This is the third entry with God of War theme... :\

Jam said:
I might only enter SOTW when i can make respectable sigs.

This may be the new Cpt.McCloud folks :lol:
Brawny said:
lol, can't wait until wiired bans God of War or something.

Why should he do that?? :lol:

I guess that there will be more GoW entries... you know Kratus is the God of War, so I guess GoW fits the topic perfectly well :)

GoW mad me think of the "other" GoW.
Gears of War. so yes, I assume we will get some decent Gears sigs also.
Would kingdom hearts count since that game was a war between the nobodys/heartless/and heros
Stranger said:

GoW mad me think of the "other" GoW.
Gears of War. so yes, I assume we will get some decent Gears sigs also.

Another great theme for this topic :)

And I assume that it will be your entry, Stranger... :]

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