SOTW #26 Applications

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Maybe after it gets more regular and we got a good group of people on board it will start changing?

Great to hear it's freestyle, I'm working one up now. Ohh and thanks for the PM, those tutorials have helped me with a LOT of things I was stuck on =]
Bliss said:
well u have some wat of a point but on the other hand its good cuz it get us new comers such as myself feet wet at sure it wont be freestyle forever, but i think its good for now. Bigger outcome of people showing up.

Sure it lets you guys be really broad but also a theme helps, it makes you focus more on a single idea rather than several ideas clashing.
I'd also not like Mike and Tyler just running SOTW. Member input should go towards it.... The SOTW is for community so I'd rather it not dictated by two people.
Cpt.McCloud said:
Sure it lets you guys be really broad but also a theme helps, it makes you focus more on a single idea rather than several ideas clashing.
I'd also not like Mike and Tyler just running SOTW. Member input should go towards it.... The SOTW is for community so I'd rather it not dictated by two people.

You are right im not disagreeing with you, i just think for now its good.
Cpt.McCloud said:
I'm boycotting SOTW, seriously Freestyle...fair enough once every so often but every week or every other week? No.
Jam, you're too hasty. We've said nothing about every week, OR every other week. Nothing has even been discussed...just chill out.

Please take a read:



Jam: Listen, me and Mike aren't dictators. We're in charge of this. Meaning, we have a bit more input than an average member, however the populous is still the majority. Mike and I would never go against your guys's will unless it's something a huge amount of people wanted. For the record, to answer another one of your question, we're never going to do anything behind your backs (which relates to doing things against your will). You're making a big deal about nothing. I promise you, if somehow you don't know this, Mike and I aren't power-hungry. We're not trying to make ourselves superior, we're trying to make this FUN. If you take the fun and joy out of SOTW, you have nothing left. Just relax and help.
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surfinrach90 said:
Maybe after it gets more regular and we got a good group of people on board it will start changing?

Great to hear it's freestyle, I'm working one up now. Ohh and thanks for the PM, those tutorials have helped me with a LOT of things I was stuck on =]
Yeah. Jokes aside we're only taking charge because we made the decision to get it up and running again. Don't see why it matters that me and Tyler are doing it? :S makes us no more important, just doing you peoples a favour. Would quite happily drop it and let you guys get on with it if that really seems more acceptable.

Note: Syntax has done most the work so far, so credit where it's due.
Ohhh with the first bit in my post I just meant the choice of themes, not about who's running the whole thing sorry lol =]

Confuuuuuusion on the forums
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surfinrach90 said:
Ohhh with the first bit in my post I just meant the choice of themes, not about who's running the whole thing sorry lol =]

Confuuuuuusion on the forums
Lol, wasn't aimed at you missus :) only thing that was was the 'yeah' haha.
Public announcement kinda thing likeee.
I'm going to enter this BMW M3 signature I just made. Only minor Photoshopping has been done to the picture (Cropping, Hue/Saturation & Border), but I still think it came out pretty well:


Please tell me what you think.
It's in the rules that we can't change our entry, so here's my current one:

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