SOTW #25 Applications

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Why I am starting to make my sig when ym photography deadline is tomorrow and I have **** loads left to do tonight >.<

Stop meeee.
alright here is my entry guys....first time i have entered sotw so go easy on

Yeah, Mike might wanna change the rules since it doesnt say we need to make it within the given time. Like I could enter one of my old sigs.

My Sotw will be my 'old' Snake sig:

I decided to go with the music theme as well (the render quality looks weird). Here it is:

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My Sotw 25, took a while!:

Nahrootoe ! Old Sk00l


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surfinrach90 said:
Hmm.. what sort of Johnny Depp sig should I do?

Edward Scissorhands, or ichabod crane.

If you do a Scissorhands one can i use it for another forum?? lol
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wow there really are a lot of good entries this go around.
Glad to see everyone entering this time around, especially the new guys. I have such a huge amount of school work it's unbearable, and I'd HATE to miss freestyle week...I'm hoping I can whip something up Saturday. Nothing from the almighty Mike either?

Also, are we going to make Sunday 12:00 [-5:00 GMT] (SouthEast United States time) the deadline time again? I thought it worked out very nicely, especially for the Brits.
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ssbb_lover said:
Glad to see everyone entering this time around, especially the new guys. I have such a huge amount of school work it's unbearable, and I'd HATE to miss freestyle week...I'm hoping I can whip something up Saturday. Nothing from the almighty Mike either?

Also, are we going to make Sunday 12:00 [-5:00 GMT] (SouthEast United States time) the deadline time again? I thought it worked out very nicely, especially for the Brits.
He'll get something done. And sure, aslong as yourself or someone else in that timezone can say who's in and who isn't.

My current entry:

A collab bruvvvvz
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