SOTW #19 Applications

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  • #17 said:
cartoons arnt anime. their better. cartoons bend things. cartoons are usually funny. Cartoons are almost never serious. and Cartoons will always be classic.

Anime is serious(mostly, never really seen a non serious anime), Anime is usually violent. Anime is drawn more diffrently, and is always a distinct way. than a cartoon is.

But anyways if we do anime since you said their alike ill do courage the cowardly dog!

just pick a topic :lol:lol

or you already picked one o_O

conceptual - 1
anime - 1(2??)
music - 2
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  • #22
music not bad..get a couple of music artists...that is considered as music..i think
Lmfao, I was actually going to vote Music, I was in the mood. :p Oh well, we still got it. I'll start now. ^_~
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  • #24
im probably gonna do a john legend sig..i'll need a good tut though
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  • #26
brawny that dp...did you make it a shirt...i saw someone wear it lmao
i think i might be the only person doing this band. their great. you would love them if you listened to some of their songs like Hey Julie and All kinds of time. and you all should know Stacys Mom.


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