ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

"Damn! He seems dius in all asspects. And don't worry i'll help Snare & make sure he lives no matter what."
*Moves around to face him head on.*
"OK, here goes nothing. Kaioken Times 100!"
*Charges up & punches Sitar with enough force that the ground shakes a little & a shock wave goes outward. Inugami smirks with joy from finding someone he can go all out against.*
"How was that?"

Dius= Latin for God-like.
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*Sitar looks at Inugami*

"I have to say, that hurt like hell. AH HA HA HA! But theres a small problem with your burst of power."

Snare: "You fool! You're killing yourself! Look your leg is already dissolving!"

Sitar: "The Namekian idiot over there is right. With your power level, I'd say x4 would be your limit. It was fun, but I think I'll kill you before you die by your own Kaio-ken.,, which I don't have much time, he he he."
"HA HA HA HA HA HA! This ain't the real me you fools i'm still training in the chamber & i didn't give this clone nearly enough power for this kind of stuff. My real body can handle this for 15 minutes then it deactivates itself besides i've already been higher than X4 before i went to train. Now here's the last of my power. KA ME HA ME HAAAAAAA!"

*A blast is launched at Sitar & the clone vanishes. Meanwhile a newly powered up Inugami steps out of the chamber smiling.*

"Looks like my clone dissapeared. But it seems he found a worth opponet to fight."

*He gets to the top & flys off to where Sitar & Snare are.*
*Sitar smirks*

"You're not going anywhere."

*Sitar quickly flys down to Ninja. He reaches his arm out to grab her, but it stops. He looks to see the Namekian Snare is grabing his arm*

Snare: "Run Ninja."

*Snare looks to Sitar*

"I'll beat you to death!"

*Snare rares back his fist and nails it into Sitars gut. Then while still grabing his arm, he flings him into the air and fires a blast of energy from his mouth at Sitar*

*Sitar gets up*

"Damn you namekian, nobody does that to me! NOBODY!!!"

*Sitar charges into Snare and the two go into a fury of rapid swift attacks and blocks*

(While attacking) Snare: "Hmph, I thought you were the strongest on the planet."

Sitar: "Shut up shut up SHUT UP!!!"
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scream, aim, fire! *starts to unload the uzi every where while flying into the air* "did i hit him?"
Snarf from thundercats pops up from a bush, "What's going on snarf, snarf."
"Shadow! URGH! I can't believe that guy!"

Snare: "Would you hurry up and get to Dendes already Bodine? I don't enjoy getting punched in the teeth ya know!"


*jets off*
*seeing the battle from the air night sees that this fight is going no where* ".....hmmm i think ill find ninja and the others in the forest"
*Bodine returns from Dendes lookout*

"Allright Snare, leave him to me!"

*Sitar laughs*

"And what do you hope to do exactly? Given the short time you had you couldn't possibly have gotten any strong..."

BAM! *Bodine kicks Sitar in the face*

"You were saying?"

Sitar: "This, this is impossible! Damn you!"

*They go into a fury of attacks too fast for the naked eye*

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