ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

"Thanks for the save but it wasn't needed."

*Shadow just vanishes. Suddenly he steps out from behind a tree.*

"I was never even there to begin with. This Sitar guy is a wimp."

EDIT; night ninja
*Sitar laughs*

"A wimp you say? Well you don't know my true power boy! Allow me to show you!"

*Bodine looks to Shadow*

"Shadow, if he goes all-out neither of us stand a chance by ourselves, we might die but I'll need your help! Can you do it Shadow!?"
"Alright, our chances are slim, but while he's powering up we can devise a plan. Got any techniques I don't know about Shadow?"
"Yeah, but I only show them when I feel I'm in danger. But this should be enough. Its my verdion of Kakarots pathetic Kamehameha. Kage-Rasen!" (Japanese for Shadow Whirl)

*Shadow leapt into the air and fired black energy balls at Sitar.*

"If this hits the foe, they get crushed by a whirlpool of darkness, sucked into a demension(sp?) of punishment. Nobody has ever taken it and lived."
*Sitar looks at the oncoming attack*

"Hehehe, you call that an attack? Try this one on for size!"

*Sitar holds one hand in the air, then pushes it forward, firing a large purple energy wave.*

"Mega Demon Wave!!!"

*The waves collide. Bodine sees the Demon Wave slowly nearing Shadow*

"Shadow can't hold that forever, but he left Sitar wide open!"

*Bodine fly up far behind Sitar*


Sitar: "Oh no you don't!!!"

*Fires another Demon Wave at Bodine with his other hand*

Bodine: "Uh-oh!"

*Bodine is consumed by the purple light, and the Demon Wave fired by his other hand is rapidly fighting back the Kage-Rasen*
*Shadow quickly vanishes before reappearing out of harms way.*

"Didn't think my weakest attack would work. Just used it cause Kage-Rasen is a cool attack name.(XD) But to get serious I guess I wil, need bodine. So troublesome."

*Shadow appears by the demon wave and dispels it, freeing bodine.*

"That was actually a little hard. anyways, you ready?"

{crap, now i gotta go. be back tomorrow!}
Ooc: See ya later

Ic: "Whew, thanks Shadow, another second and I'd be done for."

*Sitar laughs*

"You two crack me up. Struggling to keep up with little-ol-me. It's pathetic! I tell you what, I'm in a good mood. If you two gravel and beg for forgiveness, I might kill you quickly and painlessly! AH HA HA HA HA!!!"
*Mosteroids appears in a spiffy uniform*

Those Gallia guys gave a spare uniform!! See it's all nice and blue!! Oh, and those Squad 7 guys are trying to find their continent Europa, never heard of it. I think they got sucked into another dimension. Probably my fault. I was trying to find the Demon Artifacts and I kinda screwed up my dimensional portal. So I'm gonna help Welkin and his squad!!!"


"Maybe... I should slow down. Damn I want all of those Demon Artifacts!!!"

*kicks a nearby wall*

"I only have three..."
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*comes out ffrom behind a tree* hi monsteroids....
*being very cautious of surroundings so she won't be attacked*
Ooc: See ya later

Ic: "Whew, thanks Shadow, another second and I'd be done for."

*Sitar laughs*

"You two crack me up. Struggling to keep up with little-ol-me. It's pathetic! I tell you what, I'm in a good mood. If you two gravel and beg for forgiveness, I might kill you quickly and painlessly! AH HA HA HA HA!!!"

"Who said I was struggling? And let me tell you something."

*Shadow vanishes into thin air*

"I never give up!"

*Black beams are fired at Sitar from every direction*
*Sitar chuckles as all the attacks hit him*

"Congratulations kid, you managed to singe a few tips of my hair. HA HA HA HA HA!!! Really, is that the best you've got?"

Bodine: "Shadow what are you doing!? Don't face him alone! Get down here!"

*Sitar quickly appears behind Shadow*

"Too late!"

*Sitar swiftly chops Shadow in the side of his neck, knees him in the gut, grabs him by the hair, throws a punch at him in the face, then throws him hard to the ground.*

Sitar: "Far too easy."

*Bodine goes over to where Shadow lay, and gives him the last Senzu Bean*

"I told you Shadow, we have to work together."
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