ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

*walks over to Snare and gently places a paw on his forehead and her other on his chest and then closes her eyes. her paws start to glow. after a few minutes pass she opens her eyes, stands up and looks at night*

He should be just fine now night. he will just be out for a bit.

*she pulls out a few long cloths out of her satchel and lays one flat on the ground, folds one up unto a pillow shape and the last one she throws over her shoulder and carefully picks up snare and moves him the cloth laying on the ground. then she takes the cloth from over her shoulder and puts it ontop of him and then she sits down next to him on the ground and looks up at night*

i'll stay here till he comes to though ok?
"alright then, iam not going any where right now because night is falling. ill be look out tonight. try and get some sleep." *flys off to a near by tree*

-4 hours later-

* a scream is heard across the forest along with a lot of movement, Night was awakeing.*
"what the hell was that?" *flys up into the air* "..............oh my god"

*lands on the ground in front of wii ninja* "WAKE UP!!!!!!!!! WE NEED TO RUN!!! NOW!"
*takes out uzis and starts to fire* "wake up we need to run away, there zombies iam not joking"

ooc:i hav been playing left 4 dead for like 6 days now this is how i got this post
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ooc: niiiice night u silly goof

*wakes up and stands up*
oh great.....zombies just what i need to ruin my day!
ooc: lol like i said been playing to much left 4 dead lolz. //_^

*reloading uzis*

"ack! ther er way to many we need to find a safe house / safe zone and quick."
*unloads a clip into a zombie"s head*
ooc: oi. iv'e been playing neopets video game so i can't say nothin rly

well come on lets go then!
ooc: lol thanks alot shadow if i die bec. a smoker kills me (thats a zombie in left 4 dead if u didnt know) i blame u shadow.

*while running away from the hord of zombies* "this isnt working! wait i got an idea!
*starts to run even faster and grabs wii ninjas hand and starts to fly off*

"....what ever u do dont let go"
"Burning Cannon!"
*An Orange-yellow blast blows away hords of zombies.*
"Damn. Sorry it took so long, but there were so many zombies that it was annoying. By the way Shadow*91 either help or i'll beat the hell out of you. Burning Cannon!"
*Blows away another heard of zombies.*
"That's my own created move. Now I should probly head out ane fight Sitar."
*Flies off to help Bodine.*
Don't worry about it Inu, I started to loose intrest in that fight shortly after... everyone else did.
Oh well it was interesting while it was happening.

*Goes back to others.*
"Wii Ninja if you want to be strong i'll take you to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber were 1 minute here equals 6 hours & 1 day here equals 1 year in there. So the queastion is: do you really want to be stronger? That place is not friendly cause the farther away from the start you go the more pressure & power put on your body, also it makes you start to go insane if your weak. If you want to go i'll take you right now."
Okay, so the Sitar saga has come to a close. If you must know what happened, Bodine won, but just barely, Sitar surrendered hoping to later trick Bodine and kill him. Now everyone faces a new threat, brain eating zombies! Compared to most of our heroes the whole zombie army doesn't stand a chance, but is there something more sinister lurking around the corner? Find out today when we start the Zombie saga on Wii Chat Z!!!

you couldn't resist, could you?

my fav DBZ joke:
Frieza faces off with Goku
Goku: "This ends now Frieza!"
*Next time on DBZ! Will Frieza respond? Will Goku blink? Find out on the next DBZ!
My favorite joke:

How many Sayians does it take to screw in a light bulb? Answer: One... and 300 episodes to do it!

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