ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

"Thanks for that. Just so you know, I have my own sensu beans so you didn't have to waste yours."

*Jumps into the air. Energy begins forming above Shadow, dark energy. The energy creates a large 4-pointed star. Shadow grabs the star and throws it at Sitar*

"Hoshi-Kage!"(Japanese for Star Shadow)
"Inanio Sonor!" Latin for Sound(Sonor) Void(Inanio)
The attack hits Sitar in the back.
"I'm here to help. Don't sat i'm too weak because I was in the hyperbolic time chamber for 2 days, so that makes 2 years of training."
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*Sitar takes the blow in the back without flinching. Then deflects all the stars except one, wich he catches with his teeth and throws it to the ground*

"Anyithing else?"

*Bodine appears next to Sitar and kicks him in the side of the face. His head moves, but his facial expression never changes. When he looks at Bodine, he smiles.*

"It seems the darkness really does overpower the light eh?"

Bodine: "No, before we split, the original us knew I would defeat you... and I WILL defeat you!!!"

*Bodine powers up*

"HELLO BITCHES" Bayne lands on top of sitar grabs his head and starts nuggying him.
"Not sure whats going on but its obvious this is the bad guy." Bayne drops of sitar and kicks him forward.
"Oh its good to be back," Pulls out his trusty dual magnums.
"Been a while since i used these." Bayne starts firing at Sitar.
"Allow me to help. Flamen Sonor!" (Latin for Sound Blast. Flamen=Blast Sonor=Sound)
*He keeps firering the attacks at Sitar.*
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*Sitar stops himself in mid-air, then turns to look at Bayne*

"Just who is this guy? Hmph, no matter. He got a lucky shot, that's all. But just in case, I better keep my eye on him."
"Keep an eye on this! Blade of Shadows!"

*Shadow rushes up with a sword made of dark energy. Without stopping he starts a flurry of rapid stabs.*
*Sitar grabs the swords blade letting blood trickle from his hand*

"Bad weakling! Bad!"

*Slaps Shadow to the ground*

*Bodine rushes over to Shadow and catches him before he hits*

"Ha ha ha. I think you ticked him off with that one buddy! I got somewhat of a plan Shadow."
"We... rush him at the same time. HEY I don't see you thinking up anything!"
*Takes out 2 uzi that have the number 13 on them*

"haha i got me a few new toys.......finaly upgrade from my cross bows also got me a master sword. So who we fighting to day?"
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"You're welcome to try, earthling. But I doubt I'll break a sweat."
"earthling? ha u make me laugh......iam more like a demon. anywho who r we fighting tho?"
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*just sits there behind a tree feeling useless as she watches all that goes on*
*Suddenly, a Namekian appears in between Sitar and the other fighter*

Sitar: "Oh, so the Namek comes out from hiding eh?"

Bodine: "Look guys! It's Snare! Hey Snare, did you come to help us?"

Snare: "You can say that. Dende wants you and Shadow to meet him at the lookout. He says he can help you if you go." *Snare smirks* "And don't worry, I'll handle this guy till you come back."

Sitar: "Oh green man is going to take care of me! AH HA HA HA! You seem pretty confident in yourself."

Bodine: "I dunno if Snare can take this guy. Sure Snare's a bit stronger than us, but only by a little. I hate to leave him, but we gotta see Dende. You ready Shadow?"

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