"Huh? Is that you Shsdow? No, something is different. You're aura is different, sinister even."
*Sitar looks to Shadow*
"Allow me to explaine Shadow, I'm no longer called Bodine. Me and that sorry excuse for a sayian down there use to be one. When we were, our heart was divided between good and evil. It was tearing us apart, so we underwent a special training to split the good and evil into two sepreate entities. You can guess which is which I'm guessing. So Shadow, as you were saying, we do have buisness to attend to, but these pests are hindering us from doing so. I'll take Mr. Goody-two-shoes, you can handle those two on you're on right?"
"Just cause I like evil, just cause evil is fun, doesn't mean I'm on your side. I get orders from a very specific source and my source says, kill sitar or make him leave. So, you leave or I make you leave this life."
Sora was confused at what was going on but he didn't like the way this Sitar guy was acting. He jumped up at Sitar, in attempt of slamming him down to the ground.