ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

"NO! Stay outta this. It's mine."

*smug grin*
Mewtwo comes out of the forest and uses Psywave to crush Broly and Darth Stewie.
*Stares amased at how easily Mewtwo defeated them.*
"Bodine i'm helping you defeat him. This should be fun. Rasengan."
*Dashes straight at Mewtwo & slams it right into his gut.*
Mewtwo's telepathic barrier blasts InugamiGod away. Mewtwo then charges a ball of black darkness, and throws it shouting "Shadow Ball!"
*A huge light from the sky shoots down at Inugami*

"I'll handle this! HE'S MINE!!!!" D=<
Captin Mcmillan from call of duty 4 jumps down from a tree and lays flat on the ground and speaks in his thick scotish accent, "They won't be able to see us in my gulli suit."
JIGGLYPUFF RAPED YOU ALL and you don't care!! You won't be able to deny it forever. Not when the Gallian militia come and see the damage! They will know, and you'll all be destroyed by the most complicated tank ever!!!
*raises hand*

"I think it should be clear tha I was absent during the Jigglypuffs' mass raping."
Such denial won't save you when Gallia rebels against the ever expanding empire of the INTERNET!! Insane magical tank power!!!
Family Guy voiceover man walks out

"We control your TV and internet, until your brain is reduced to a gilatinous mass, then we slurp it up with a straw."

sucking sounds as he inserts straw into mewtwos head.

"Because we're aliens, and thats how we roll. Mmmmm, Giggedy!"
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  • #898
(o_O o......kay.......i missed alot!)

*Pads around the forest aimlessly lost in thought when she stumbles across the village of the Smurfs*