ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

The rubber chicken tries desperately to avoid the ensuing battle while also trying to avoid the pink sorcerers who want to turn him into a squirrel. They're failing miserably at their task by the way. Unfortunately there are no Gundams here so the Rubber Chicken must try to find a way to contact another hot-blooded protagonist to help him believe in the power of friendship and ignite the will of fire or something and make the path to something or other where the crapsack world will come into view his acid trip will finally come to an end and Instrumentality will begin. Go rubber chicken go! Go go go!!
Neon Genesis Jigglypuff

A pointless venture... My pointless venture after making the pink sorcerers turn me human again.

Part 1:
A wild Jigglypuff appears in a giant robot.

Your options:
a) Scream hysterically
b) Go berserk and claw at the gigantic cyborg with your bare hands
c) Say your prayers.
d) Use the power of friendship and see where it goes from there.
e) Flip him off.
f) Tell your family you hate them and offer them up as slaves in exchange for your life to be spared and for the Jigglypuff to leave in peace.
g) Wuss out and run to your mommy!
h) Sh-t your pants.

What will you do...

Option: h
You shat yourself. Now choose another option.

Option: h
You shat yourself once more. You're starting to stink. Now choose another option.

Option: h
You shat yourself yet again. Your pants are full. Your bowels are empty. Now chose another option.

Option: d
You cry to yourself until you come to terms with the fact that you have no friends because you always crap your pants. Now choose another option you little crapper.

Option: g
Your mommy gets one whiff of you, looks up at the rampaging cyborg, promptly disowns you and runs to safety with lots of medication in tow. You stink, everybody hates you, and a giant cyborg with an evil singing balloon inside is destroying the world. Suck it up and choose another option.

Option: f
You try your best to offer up your little sister to the pink armor clad demon, but all that lands you is many a kick in the nuts, oh and Norway has been totaled. Still seems to be in better condition than you. Choose another option.

Option: c
God is sick today... Not that he'd help YOU anyways. 'Nother option dude.

Option: e
Jigglypuff is enraged by your action, but laughs at you because you're so pathetic and proceeds to ignore you in favor of eating a puppy. Ouch! Choose another option until I decide to stop you.

Option: a
You're scream hysterically. It catches the mild interest of the evil Jigglypuff. Another option, I'm still having fun with you!

Option: b
While screaming, you start to claw at the giant robot. You start clawing at it in a blind rage only to pass out... only to wake up face down on a couch almost naked except for partly pulled down underpants, thoroughly soiled. You sit up and notice that the robot and Jigglypuff are gone. You are left to figure out your own answers.

The wild Jigglypuff fled.

Option: You are out of turns.

Wild game master fled.

My god, what is wrong with me today... :eek:ut:
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Jigglypuff comes back with 100000000 other jigglys :3
everyone gets r*ped
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread starter
  • #882
can't we all just get along and not fight with eachother?
*her tail sways slowly side to side*
can't we all just get along and not fight with eachother?
*her tail sways slowly side to side*
"No, men fight. I'd like to continue my fight but SOMEONE, I'm not going to say any names, STORM, COMPLETELY IGNORED ME AND STARTED TALKING ABOUT COO HWIP ATTACKS!!!" D=<

  • Thread Starter
  • Thread starter
  • #884
*sniffs the air then looks around*
there's something comming.....
*she growls*
we have to get out of here now! it's not safe here.
"**** that! If it's strong I want to fight it!"


"Hmmm... whoever or whatever it is has a high power, I can feel it. But it shouldn't be a problem to me."

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