ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

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  • #901
O.O oh dear thats not good... EVIL SMURFS!!!!!!
*summons flying cookies of doom and orders them to make sure they are all dead. they fly all around the forest and makes sure they are all dead*
The Gallians stare at the ensuing Cookies vs Smurf battle with disbelief and blank faces. A young man named Welkin Gunther emerges from the complicated(structure wise) tank.

Welkin put on a kind face while Alicia Melchiott seems to almost facefault at the sight of killer cookies.

Welkin: "Thank You for getting rid of those... things."
Alicia: "I'm, at a loss for words... Oh, yes, Thank You."
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  • #903
anytime ^_^.
always glad to help.
*sits on the ground waging her tail happily*
Welkin: "Ah, May I ask what exactly you are... Not to be rude or anything, but I've never seen someone with well... Your features, tail and all."

Alicia nodded also curious.
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  • #905
well i'm a furry. ya know how nekos are? human with animal features? well its the opisite with furries. furries are animals with human features like being able to walk and talk and all that.

i'm a fox.
Welkin: "Interesting, I have quite an interest in nature studies so I was curious. Unfortunately now does not seem like a good time to elaborate any further."

Alicia: "There could be more of those things around here!"


Welkin & Alicia: "What was that..."
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  • #908
this is Welkin and Alicia.
*walks over to inugami and places her paw gently on his forehead and uses a healing spell*
that better?
Welkin and Alicia stare agape at the powers Wii NINJA displays.

Welkin: "Wow..."

Alicia: "Incredible! Hey, is there a battle going on here..." Her focus shifted from the Healing Spell to the area from which Inugami made his interesting debut.

Welkin: "If that's the case then we should head back to the others and the Edelweiss(the tank)."
In the midsts of their conversation, a lone smurf crawls out from beneath the rubble unnoticed. He was the villiages top scientist, and a patriot to his bloodline. Now he is the last surviving member of his species. As he slowly stumbles away from his once-happy villiage, he turns to look at those who destroyed his home.

"It's all smurfing gone because of them... all smurfing gone. *cough* I'll avenge my fallen smurfs, and smurf a weapon *cough* to completely smurf all those held responsible for this smurf-tastrafy... No, I'll smurf my revenge on thier intire smurfing race! The humans of this planet have smurfed out their welcome..."

And with that, Dr. Smurfero took one last look at the wreckage, and humans, and staggered into the forest undetected.
Alicia: "Did you hear something..."

Welkin: "No, not at all."

Alicia: "We should hurry up, there could be survivors."

Welkin: "Wasn't there someone we were supposed to contact here... Smurfera or something... No, Smurfero!"

Alicia: "I didn't see anything resembling a human there. Just a lot of odd purple things... and cookies killing them."

She still couldn't believe anything she saw, but they both decided taking it all in stride and making allies in this new unknown continent was the best they could do.
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  • #912
*sniffs the air a lil bit and looks around*
there is an odd scent in the air... i can't quite put my paw on it...
it.....seems so fimular to me..........but what is it.......
Bodine looks around.

"Whatever it is is weak. Why do you guys even bother worrying about it?"
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  • #915
no no no don't hurt's a fimular scent to me.. it's..........damn i know the scent..........i just cant picture who's tho

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