ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

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  • #856
HEY ALL iv'e returned from the depths of hell and guess what i found...
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  • #859
no......iv'e found Butterfly Knife-Styled Space Pen! it is soooooooo awsome!
".....Well now that WiiNinja wasted 5 seconds of my life I'm off to find the Dragon Balls."
Obi-wan-kenobi appears, waving his hand in front of Bodine.

"These are not the balls your looking for..."

Ooc: I couldnt resist.
*says in a really scruffy voice*

"Yes... they are. What do you think you are, some sort of jedi waving your hand around like that?"

Couldn't resist either. :lol:
"Whattya think your a Toydarian, resistin my mind tricks like that? You cant stop me!"

Obi-Wan Force Pushes Bodine into a wall. Unsheathes his lightsaber.

"IM RICK JAMES, *****!"
*The rubble covering Bodine flys in all direction while a loud BOOM can be heard. Then Bodine can be seen standing with his face looking up to the sky, his fist clenching as hard as they can, veins bulging under his skin, his eyes are pupil-less white spaces, and he's screaming at the top of his lungs as an aura of red flame-like energy shrouds his entire being."
Obi wan walks up to Bodine.

"Hey, I gotta joke for ya. What did the five fingers say to the face?"

Slight pause. Obiwan smakcks bodine across the face.

"SMACK *****!"
Hi there, I'm not a bear anymore thanks to sorcerers who CARE!!

*Is turned into a Rubber Chicken*

Oh dear god!!!!
"Hey Storm herea a present for ya! Rasengan!" *Slams the attack into Storm then relizes Storm using the force to shove him back.* "Woah didn't think you get to that fast enough. Alright lets fight."
Wtf? Obiwan rips off his face to reveal he is darth vader. Darth vader rips off his face to reveal he is Darth Stewie.

"Feel the power of the Force. Force Coolh-Hwhip attack!"
Moves to the side.

"Dont you watch Family Guy?" Fires another coolhwhip attack.

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