ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

"Aw, why'd ya have to go and say that? And seriously, you should probably see a doctor about that."

Vegeta: "Let him die Kakarot. That's what he gets for acting foolishly in a battle... come to think of it, you should die too seeing as how you ALWAYS act foolishly..."
"Thats because hes Nappa. And hes a faggot.... I know it. I think Chi Chi adopted Gohan, cuz Goku doesnt have it in him to go all the way with her."
Goku: "Oh speaking of which! Chi-Chi made dinner! C'mon Vegeta! You too Broly! Man I'm starved!!!"

Vegeta: "Oh thank GOD! Bulma can't cook worth a crap. It'll be nice to eat a quality meal."

*Both walk away*
*Stands there looking dumbfound*
"WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED? First their fighting then off to go eat dinner together. Hold on now Broly blew up my dinner so i'm tagging along." *Flies after them.*
Broly sits down at Chi Chi's table waiting for food.

"Dammit woman, Im starving! I fly all this way, and you still havent made anything. WHERES MY BUNT CAKE! Cant you see this damned hole blew my stomach out!"
"Goku you have such rude friends!"

"Hehe... sorry ChiChi, he's just a bit grumpy with Vegeta wiping out his back and all."

ChiChi gets up in Brolys face

"If you want food mister you'd better be polite!!! OR ELSE!!!"
Broly stood up straight, his back almost fully regenerated. At full height, he was nearly three times Chi Chi's height.

"Or else what?"
"K-K-Kakarot....KAKAROT!" Broly fumed and his energy mazxed out. He was about to piledrive the little punk when he remembered something.

"GooseFraba....GoooooooseFraaaabaaaaa......Goooose...." Broly's energy returned to normal.
lol. Great movie.

Broly curdled himself into the feetle position.

"I feel Pretty! Oh so pretty! I feel Pretty, and Witty, and GAAAAAAAY! And I pity, any Girl, who isnt me, Today!"

Krillin jumps in at the window. "Halalalalalala lala lalaaaaaaaa..."
*Few minutes after dinner begun*

ChiChi: "So you see Mr. Broly, that's how I drugged Goku and raped him in his sleep and got our WONDERFUL Gohan!" ^_^
"Damn you...."

Looks at Bodine.

"Hey, wqe should start the Seekers RP, since the Pkmn RP bled to death/

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