ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)


Broly throws an Omega Blaster energy ball at Vegeta.
Dodges Brolys attack. "Alright now i'm pissed. Take this! Masenko!" Fires the beam right at Broly's face. I might not like Vegeta much but i'll help him kick your ass."

Revs up to Kaioken X50 & stands ready to fight Broly.
"Stay out of this weakling!!!"

*Swats Brolys' attack to the side.*

*Puts his arms to his side*

"Are you ready Broly? I'll send you, TO OBLIVION!!! Galick Gun x10!!!"
"Hmph, not until you lie dead at my feet...."

Broly assumes all the latent power of the planet and fires it at Vegetas beam, interlocking the two of them. Inugami's masenko bounces off Broly.

*Vegeta pushes forward the beam with all his might, only making small progress*

(thought)"Damn! How could he be matched with me!? I've acheived the power of a Super Sayian 4!!! I can't loose!!!"
Broly grunts, absorbs more green energy in his hand and blasts another eraser cannon at the beam fight, pushing it tremendously towards Vegeta.

"V-V-VEGROT!!!!" He yells as he pushes the struggle closer to Vegeta, so close it starts synging his hair.

Vegeta realizes the danger he's in. If he did anything except push more energy, he'd be consumed by the massive amout of energy. Then out of nowhere, he sees a short blast of energy fly lightning fast at Broly from the side.
Broly slaps the energy ball away with his aura.

"None of that crap this time!"
Mystery voice: "All right then. How about this!?"

*A large blue beam of energy shoots at broly from behind*
"Ergrgrg...Kakarot....KAKAROT!!!!!!!" Broly pulls away from the beam fight to deflect the blue blast, leaving himself wide open.
Ooc: Darn I thought you'd try taking on both beams. I had something funny coming up. :lol:

Ic: "Ha! You fool! You're MINE!!!"

*Vegeta fires full blast at the distracted Broly*
Broly notices hes been duped.

"Oh ****..."

Broly took the full power of the beam, and when the smoke cleared, he was still standing, as if nothing had happened.

"Heheh, bet you thought Id go blasting into the sun eh?"
"Well I hate to dissapoint you but... Your back is missing!"
Goku: "EW!"

*Flys over to Broly and starts poking his exposed spine*

"I think you need to go to a doctor or something." :lol:

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