ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

*Nappa charges at Storm, but stop just inches infront of him. While he's just hovering there he turns and looks at Vegeta.*

"Ve-Vegeta! I can fly!"

*Vegeta facepalm*

"Yes Nappa... Yes you can."

Storm summons his power together, and his strength rises over 1 million. "Crawl at my feet pig."
Vegeta checks his scouter.

"Oh, wait Nappa. Now it's over 9000."

*crushes scouter*


*Nappa looks to Vegeta.*

"Aw Vegeta, I don't think your heart is in it anymore."

"Nappa, do you realize we've done scenes similar to this over a hundred times? The only reason you're still excited to do this bull **** is because you're slightly mentally retarded."

*Nappa starts drawing shapes in the sand with a stick*

"Goddamnit Nappa if you don't start fighting him I'll kick you in your ****ing teeth!!! ...Or throw you in the air and blow you up, whichever I decide..."
Storm rips his skin off, revealing his true self as Broly. Puts hands in fighting stance.

"Ka....Me...Ha...Me...HAAAAAA!" Ten minutes pass. Nothing happens. Broly grunts.

"Dammit...Why does Kakarot get all the cool moves?"
(Nappa) "I blame Akira Toriyama!"
(Vegeta)"Shut the hell up Nappa and fight him already.."


*3 seconds later*

"Vegeta, help me up. Oh I can't feel my legs!"
"You will die, AKIRA!!!!!"

A voice is heard in the distance.


Broly looks around strangely.

"Wrong anime a$$hole!"
*Blows up Nappa*

*Goes SS4*


"Hahaha, monkey-fag!" Broy lhao at Vegeta.

A voice is heard again, coming from the mountains.


"Shut the F%%K UP!" Broly shoots an energy blast that blows up the mountain.
"You're just angry because you can't achieve such POWER!!! AH-HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"
"Well, I can still beat your ass like I did in the first Broly movie. I >>>>>>>>>Vegeta."
"Is it just me or did Broly actually get enough of a brain to finally talk? By the Broly nice comeback."
*Eats fried chicken while recording the whole thing.* "By the way in order to do a Kamehameha you must learn to concentrate it in a sphere in your hands & just release it when ready. At least that's how I learned to do it."
*Stands up aims at a nerby mountain charges up"KA-ME-HA-ME-HAAA!" Moutain blows up.*
"Now that's how you do a Kamehameha." *Collapses from hunger* "Damn. Maybe I shouldn't have showed off like that when i'm tired & hungry."
Charges green aura and throws an Eraser Cannon at Inugami God.

"I dont have time for your crap." heres a baby crying.

"Oh no...Cant...fight...OCD.....Gaaaahhh! Gah....gah.....Kakarot....KAKAROT!"
"Kakrot isn't here Broly. You're stuck with me, THE PRINCE OF ALL SAYIANS!!!"

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