ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

lbu tries to avoid the attack, but GOKU is hit directly in the face with it, KOing him.

"Damit! 17's moveset is so broken. You would pick the best ****ing character in the game. ****!!!!!!"

*lbu throws controller at 17*

"Let's play something else. **** this game, nobody even likes it anyway."
17 barely feels the controller hit him, but throws the controller at the screen, shattering it. "Piss off, my moveset is godly, you just suck. HAHAHAHAHAHA-" he stares blankly at the broken screen, realizing he broke his own chest. He scrfeams in rage as his robot body explodes.

Storm Valentine flies down on the scene. "Whats up bro?" He held up a 6 poack of drinks. "You guys want a beer?"
*lbu grabs a beer from Storm and sits down on 17"s broken robot body*

"Thanks dude, how are things with you?"
Storm sat down next to lbu8, cracking open a beer himself.

"Pretty good man...Just about to crush the Rebels in the Realms RP. I still think about the glory days of The Quest. Remember those days, "Steel?" Hahaha..."
Storm sat down next to lbu8, cracking open a beer himself.

"Pretty good man...Just about to crush the Rebels in the Realms RP. I still think about the glory days of The Quest. Remember those days, "Steel?" Hahaha..."

"yeah, yes I do...Crushing rebels is always so much fun. They think they have a chance...but then they just get killed off like flies. Until of course they find a hidden item that increases their strength and use it to defeat evil. Then evil comes back in the sequal.

I wonder what would happen if the evil side would acually win in an rp?"
*Bodine returns, wearing sayian armor and a scouter, with Vegetas' voice*

"Just what the hell are you two doing?"
*Tosses Bodine a beer*

"We're chillin." Storm smiled. He turned to lbu8. "Hell would prolly freeze over. Hahaha. Speaking of which, areyou gonna make an evil character for Realms 2? It was fun working with you on The Quest, whether on the good side or not."
*Looks at bodine*

"Yeah take a seat"

*looks back at storm*

yeah you too, and I think I will make an evil character...perhaps I should bring my favorite villan Pravis out of retierment...what do you think bodine?
"What do I think? I think there's an energy blast headed your way. You'd best step a little to the left." >=/
*Storm threw Hell 17's hand in the way of the blast, its android powers absorbing it*

*Turns back to lbu8*

"Hellz yea, Pravus is great. That would make an excellent addition. Then, it will begin. Epic post after Epic post.... Oh what fun this RP will be. We will crush the rebels. It will be the final twilight of their very existence. Their demise will come soon."


"The end starts now..."
Bayne shudders. "Oh god pravis, That ***** was messed up, like really really bad." Bayne walks in carrying a keg.
"Any way hows every one doing."
"Ah finally, the great Bayne shows up."

*Storm pulls out a Tab*

"Come, take a seat."
*blows up a vet building*

*crosses arms*

"Peta can kiss my ass."
PETA=people eating tasty animals.

*looks at the ppl playing DBZ* "meh.DbZ is boring, iam going to look for the lost world of lost worlds bec. iam that bord!" *starts to head off north*
*A child's Teddy Bear falls from the sky, Monsteroid's soul is trapped inside*
*Monsteroid's tries suicide. Monsteroids is unable to move, suicide failed*

Somebody, GIVE ME A BODY!!!

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