ROLE PLAYING (all welcome)

Hell yea dude. Broly owned the F**K out of them. The fight from Broly 1 + the ending power struggle + Broly Winning = Major PAWNAGE!
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  • #737
OMFG SOMEONE DO SOME KIND OF RP I'M STARTING TO HAV RP WITHDRAWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sits on floor, curls up and rocks back and forth* find a happy place ninja.............FIND A HAPPY PLACE!

Still got to think about different stuff just in case one interest me.
well you're part of the Poke RP, its to late to join Realms. you said you're working on a sign up for the Seekers RP, and no one has signed up for Solaris cause we all figured it would ve best to wait. after those are done or close to it I planned on launching Realms 2.

we've got a very big RP base all set up its just lack of frequent posts that are holding them back.
That is why i am bored though my mind can't seem to focus on what I thought up for the Seekers one. Been to focused in Negima and Negima Neo too much I guess he he he.
Kingslayer's smile slowly falls as he realizes that this thread is over. He sighs in disappointment, realizing that a potentially fun thread has been abandoned.

This seemed like fun... oh well. Random things popping out of no where... it's like a Bar Brawl Thread XD... which I made, but no one posted :(.
* Storm grins *

told you guys this thread was pointles...

Only credit I will give it is that pre-apocalypse, this thread gave me my start to RP's on Wiichat. For that, ROLE PLAYING Thread, I thank you Sir.

Btw, I cannot wait for Realms 2!!!!!!
NO don't give up! Havn't any of one relise by now that you can't give up on somthing nomatter how bad it seems to get. So I say SOMEBODY THINK OF SOMETHING TO AT LEAST TALK ABOUT!!!!!
Well, like my dad always said, "When in doubt, talk about sex." ...or it might have been cars, I dunno.
Keep it apropiate so that way we don't get kicked off. Well since no one can think of anything.

What was the wierdest dream you have ever had that is appropiate. I gotta think about mine.
This is the RP thread. That would be off-topic.

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