Ps3 is the best console ever!

playing blue ray movies with the PS3 will just kill the systems lifespan... that and i heard it was a glitchy and cheap quality BR player to begin with. so like what many other said, what does the ps3 have over the other consoles? just a bit more juice. i say just a bit more cause it still has no comparison to the PC. i love my PC. i invest in it for one reason, amazing shooters, graphics, and badass rpg/adventure games that can use all the intended graphics, like Oblivion.

they coulda left out blue ray, put in a reg dvd player if they wanted, and sold it at the same price as xbox. but nooooooooooooooo were just sooo special. i wanted a ps3 pretty damn bad, WHY? one reason, Final Fantasy 7 remake or i heard possible FF7-2. thats all the system appeals to me for. thats just my opinion tho.

sony needs to hire new marketers and researchers. not to mention a council of console gamers making the main desicions.... it would probably be a better idea at this stage anyways. Right now its probably some 60 year old rich ***** moron wanting more money and shares thinking blue ray is the billion dollar ticket.

/rant off
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Wii&Ps3 said:
Hes a funny sony fanboy. Why do you care so much?


mine too. Zelda, metroid, rygar, and mario bros.

My arguement? Did you click the link? :nonod:

What a bunch of little boys and girls say to me is really gonna hurt my feelings :lol: I guess you can say I get my jollies out of aggrevating people. It so easy with you guys.

I dont like any type of fanboy. He did speak of alot of truth, but alot of it was crap as well.

Ruman I think its time for you to get off my nuts. You reply in every one of my threads, and quote almost everything I say. You try to analyze me, and make pitiful attempts to flame me. Its just like breast feeding. You have to stop sometime in your life. By replying to any of my threads means you enjoy hanging from them.

Any the wii has a cursor, big deal. Some people who own expensive tv's want to enjoy high def games. Flailing your arms in the air gets old after a while.

Perhaps I should ask you that question, why do you care so much as to have to find a specific quote and then post it on this site?
sagema said:
Stop complaining and let the numbers do the talking.

Current sales:
10 Million 360s
4 Million Wiis
1 Million PS3s

dude, 10 million 360's in 16 months, aka, 1M/month

4 million wiis in 4 motnhs = 1M/month

1 million ps3's in 4 motnhs = only 250k/month

not so good for those ps3 fanboys, eh?

(i like ps2, but forcing to buy a HD DVD player when I dont have a HDTV= dumb)
Yoshimitsu_the_Charitable said:
dude, 10 million 360's in 16 months, aka, 1M/month

4 million wiis in 4 motnhs = 1M/month

1 million ps3's in 4 motnhs = only 250k/month

not so good for those ps3 fanboys, eh?

(i like ps2, but forcing to buy a HD DVD player when I dont have a HDTV= dumb)

A little thing called profit/loss. Check out how much each console is gaining/losing per sale.

plus check out the game sales for each console and then we can REALLY know who is in the lead. Number of consoles sold doesn't necessarily mean the win.
hmm, you cant tell whats going to happen in the first few months of a console coming out, so everything everyone is saying is useless about who will win the console generation, ps2 did a price drop i believe which put it up top, ps3 just needs to do the same
Sovieto said:
hmm, you cant tell whats going to happen in the first few months of a console coming out, so everything everyone is saying is useless about who will win the console generation, ps2 did a price drop i believe which put it up top, ps3 just needs to do the same
Interesting, according to Wikipedia, The PS2 came about in 2000. Gamecube came out in 2001 - a full year later. 3 days earlier, the Xbox came out (2001).

The Gamecube launched at $199.99. It took until 2002 May 14th until the PS2 price drop, which had it at the same level. Xbox lowered itself to the same price a day after Sony.

This time around, Sony and Nintendo are the ones who developed later. With PS3's price atm, coupled with less games and a technology that is still to be proven. Nintendo are the most inexpensive. All three have online capabilities. Nintendo and Sony use their portable devices in hook up, motion sensing controlling. 360 and PS3 has HD graphics. There's actually very few reasons to own a PS3, at least exclusively...

Somehow, I don't think even a price drop will help that much, at least not to put them at the top anyway...

Sony had the lead with the PS2. The PS3 is already at some major disadvantages.

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