Ps3 is the best console ever!

Wii&Ps3 said:
Maybe what I type in english is showing japanese on your computers? I didnt write this. I even called him a fanboy (reread the original post). You guys are the definition of illiterate.

I Know you didnt write it, but its obvious that your a bias fanboy. Who usually only takes the 'Ps3' sides of the facts. (And maybe you should put that text in a Quote box for it doesnt fool people who might think you DID write it)
Wii&Ps3 said:
Maybe what I type in english is showing japanese on your computers? I didnt write this. I even called him a fanboy (reread the original post). You guys are the definition of illiterate.

Oh. Yeah. That tiny sentence under the HUGE article is COMPLETELY noticeable. And it's SO obvious that the article was a quote when no one would be surprised if you really said something like that. Yeah right.
10: The Cell processor is pretty much making the job impossible for Developers too program on.

9: Each Cell processor Costs $200US for Sony, Meaning the console might be a bit expensive.

8: "Yes, meaning developers WANT to love it, but they just can't get over how deformed, tech-wise, the console is. So they have a secret hope that it would just run out in the street and get hit by 'accident', have the memorial service the same night, and go on with life the next day. And I'll even tell you who came up with the mongoloid bit, it was a programer for UbiSoft."

7: A Developer in a AIM Convo

Ali says:

Sony will have to scramble and scramble hard to make spring release

Ali says:

and in case they actually manage that their content will stink since all games are way too far off

Red Cloak says:


Red Cloak says:

i thought it was easy to program for

Red Cloak says:

unreal enine demo

Red Cloak says:

that was up in no time

Ali says:

an engine demo is not a full featured game

Ali says:

a game needs testing and extensively so

Ali says:

supose you have an engine that can render a thousand butterflies

Red Cloak says:


Ali says:

and can do that in hi def at 60fps

Ali says:

you make one of the butterflies fully controllable instead of random

Ali says:

and its still 60 fps

Ali says:

but suddenly the engine starts croacking even witouth touching a controller

Ali says:

then you need to start looking what code is making it behave that way

Ali says:

start optimising and changing parameters so external **** doesnt cause that sorta stuff

Red Cloak says:


Ali says:

lemme give another example

Ali says:

You have a 350 horsepower engine

Ali says:

350hp in tests

Ali says:

put it in a car and use faulty screws

Ali says:

and the engine will tear your nice car apart

Red Cloak says:

hmm, are things that severe over in sonyland?

Ali says:

then just try to find out what is wrong

Ali says:

its that severe with every game

6: No Unified online service

5: If PS3 Fails you can pretty much spell the Downfall of the company sony, there is a reason why the PS3 has everything in it, Its too gain market penetration for crap like HD box's and Blu-ray players because we know sony has been dying in all other departments apart from SCEI in the past couple years.

4: The Console like Xbox360 is forcing developers too make games in High-Def, which if you look at, is spelling the whole downfall of the gaming industry (once sites like AMN are back up, I'll post the links).

3: The Console is not being marketed as a game console but a Blu-ray player.

2: The Consoles primary function is too insert blu-ray into the market, sony have said this. This means that it is likly that PS3 will have PSP syndrome, 1 game Per 20 UMD's or in PS3's case 1 Game per 20 BR movies.

1: Simply its a Sony product, it should explain itself, Sony is'nt known for "high quality" or Awesome Customer support.

There's always going to be people with different preferences.

P.S. You could have made it easier to spot that you were quoting by putting
and [ /quote] around the text,
Like this

For somebody whom supposedly posts on many forums, you don't have a lot of forumite demeanour.
Wii&Ps3 said:
haha whats that from?
The Simpsons, of course. :)

Also, Crow said he knew you didn't write it. All he was doing was quoting what your post said.

I don't understand why you're so hostile.
Wii&Ps3 said:
Maybe what I type in english is showing japanese on your computers? I didnt write this. I even called him a fanboy (reread the original post). You guys are the definition of illiterate.

Then tell us why you're posting it, what are you trying to prove? By positng this we can assume that his opinions are similar to yours? I could call this attention-seeking.
Chaz said:
Then tell us why you're posting it, what are you trying to prove? By positng this we can assume that his opinions are similar to yours? I could call this attention-seeking.

Maybe he's just trying to make it look like he dislikes Sony fanboys so that we'll stop flaming him. And it obviously won't work, because the damage he's already done for his reputation is beyond repair.
bor, I don't know what the hell you're saying. Wet dreams? Come on, that's messed up! And we all know that Nintendo is the best, back then Sony had no clue what to do, because Mario was kicking everyone's butt. (lol)
I admit,
I got a Ps3 and Resistence Owns.
Which site do you go on for that porn.
I actually sold my Ps3 because of no reason.
The guy that started this thread must think Im gay but people do retarded things. If you ask me Y I do not know. I got bored. I sadly was a disappointed Sony geek. So Y Nintendo. Well I thought that the Ps3 price was high. The blue ray was pointless because normal dvd players are ok but the graphics and some games are so fun. I actually got all Nintendo system befor the ps1 and i got a N64 but the Gc sucks.This is not flaming ok. This is personal opinion. The wii might not even take your controllers lotation in the 3d world but Nintendo uses the controler more. Ps3 is an awsome hardware(its not trash and its not for me). I was going to sell my ps3 and get a xbox360 but the only good games are gears of war and halo
I only hate the PS3 because it is trying to be and beat what it cannot be: A PC. That is the only thing I don't like about it, trying to surpass the upper-class true gaming platform. The PS3 can never reach the level of the PC, it's meager RAM and graphics card is nothing compared to a PC. The PS3 is for the cheaper gamer. I have a PS3 though, I don't despise it because Resistence is actually really fun. I like the Wii more because it wasn't going for power, it goes for the most important aspect of gaming: gameplay. If I wanted a true graphical powerhouse, I would never go for a PS3. DX10 will shatter what the PS3 tried to conquer.

Think about it: What truely distincts the PS3 from the other 2 consoles? It just is more powerful than the other two. The controller? It's just two joysticks and buttons, nothing different from a 360. The motion sensing? The Wii does it better. The games? We'll have to wait and even with Resistence's 40-man online play, it'll get boring by the time they come out.

If it's any system that is the best system ever, it's a PC. What the PS3 tried to be, it won't ever be.
Damn, I didn't really even need to post. Everyone pretty much summed it all up for me. But I'm doing so to show my support. So here it is: my support :ciappa:

Good job everyone, or mostly everyone, especially Squall who grabbed most words out of my mouth :)
Ok, I don't know who said it (Wii&PS3 just said he didn't write it, and like he said, it does sound like a fanboy wrote it)

Now for my views on it...

First, don't put the PS3 down, after all it is a good console, but I can get an XBOX 360 and a Wii for the price of one PS3, I mean $600? Who in their right mind will pay $600 for a console? Now about the sony brand, after using electronics from their company, one major item being their VAIO line of computers, long story short, they suck (at least mine does), there are some good products that they make, but they usually overcharge the products they sell, if the price went down on them though (like $500 off) then I might get one
wiiguynintendothing said:
Also Nintendo wasn't there for us in our childhood so Y should we trust them

He's either really old, really young, retarded, or he meant to say Sony.

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