Ps3 is the best console ever!

wiiguynintendothing said:
Also Nintendo wasn't there for us in our childhood so Y should we trust them

Nintendo was the MAIN consoles from childhood.
Stop complaining and let the numbers do the talking.

Current sales:
10 Million 360s
4 Million Wiis
1 Million PS3s
I decided to tweak Wii&Ps3’s argument a bit. Tell me what you think! :devil:

Let’s face it. You know Chocolate ice cream kicks ass. You totally had dreams back in the 1990s when you saw the Chocolate and when Fudge Browne Chocolate Chip (FBCC) hit, you bum-rushed Service Merchandise hoping to get one. So why so much hatred for Chocolate Chip ? Because you’ve been spoiled.

To be quite frank, you need a time out. The previous Chocolate flavors fit well within your budget and had great taste to boot. Now the FBCC comes along and all of a sudden, you realize that you’re going to have to actually put in more than 15 hours a week at Burger King. You shouldn’t have to work more. I mean, the French Vanilla costs only $5! Why can’t the FBCC cost $10 with a free cone?

Because the Fudge Browne Chocolate Chip isn’t banking on the hopes that you’ll always want only plain chocolate. No, FBCC has a long future planned out for you. See, French Vanilla doesn’t have Browne or Fudge, which alone would run you $13 plus and it doesn’t come with the taste the FBCC packs.

When I got a FBCC, I realized it didn’t have many good original flavors. In fact, all I wanted was Browne and the Chip. Now what about French Vanilla or Strawberry? Strawberry I have no problems with. It’s the perfect flavor to buy right now and the flavor that anyone should consider purchasing. But the French Vanilla?

Sure, Vanilla milk shakes are great and all but guess what: I don’t give a hoo-hoo about milk shakes. I’ve been done with the milk shake concept since I worked at McDonalds, thank you.
I know what you’re thinking right now. “This Vanilla-hating douche obviously hasn’t tried the French Vanilla with almonds!” What killer flavor would you be referring to? Surely you can’t mean the crap-tastic boring flavors like Cookies n’ Cream or Milk Dud. French Vanilla with peanuts can be good, but going outside and driving to Wal-mart to buy Mint Chocolate chip is much more entertaining.

Back to the Fudge Browne Chocolate Chip, though. Chocolate is a clutch flavor. Not only it comes with a free cone, but it has Browne, its damn good. It reminds me of the brownies my mommy makes. And get this: the chips are killer. Bet you had no idea, right? As for Almonds, it’s a great with any flavor, so whatever. It’s good for when you and your buddies are playing poke-mon and want to scream for ice cream at the TV while watching Power Rangers.

I’m basically saying French Vanilla sucks and you’re just too much of a fanboy to realize it. The FBCC is clearly the winner in the ice cream flavor war and it’s only a matter of time before all the good toppings like almonds and sprinkles come out and blow your hands off like a two-dollar M80 firecracker. I’ve got cones, bowls, and dishes with Spiderman on them that make it look like it’s my first birthday party, next year I’ll have a Sponge Boy Square Pants theme. So go ahead and have fun spending countless hours with French Vanilla with almonds. I’m popping some Flint Stones Vietnams, calling in sick to school today and spending quality time with some real flavors, like Chocolate. Happy Birthday to me.
OK, The Blue-Ray is going the way of the Beta. Beta was superior over the VHS' but it was too expensive and was not all that reliable..... sounds familsr dont it?
sagema said:
Stop complaining and let the numbers do the talking.

Current sales:
10 Million 360s
4 Million Wiis
1 Million PS3s
sales numbers mean nothing this early you eejit
Sovieto said:
sales numbers mean nothing this early you eejit

Sure they do. Clearly launch demand was higher for Wii than PS3. Also explains why there are many PS3s sitting on most store shelves and not Wii's.
Ps3 = ****... Overpriced same ****.... wow the ps3 has a tilt function jesus. Everyone goes crazy about the grafics but why... i mean? look at the detail on the rims!!!!!!! woooo yer!!!! o_O No thanks. :rolleyes:
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Chaz said:
Then tell us why you're posting it, what are you trying to prove? By positng this we can assume that his opinions are similar to yours? I could call this attention-seeking.

Hes a funny sony fanboy. Why do you care so much?

Oh. Yeah. That tiny sentence under the HUGE article is COMPLETELY noticeable. And it's SO obvious that the article was a quote when no one would be surprised if you really said something like that. Yeah right.


eh?..Nintendo was my childhood

mine too. Zelda, metroid, rygar, and mario bros.

I decided to tweak Wii&Ps3’s argument a bit. Tell me what you think!

My arguement? Did you click the link? :nonod:

Maybe he's just trying to make it look like he dislikes Sony fanboys so that we'll stop flaming him. And it obviously won't work, because the damage he's already done for his reputation is beyond repair.

What a bunch of little boys and girls say to me is really gonna hurt my feelings :lol: I guess you can say I get my jollies out of aggrevating people. It so easy with you guys.

I dont like any type of fanboy. He did speak of alot of truth, but alot of it was crap as well.

Ruman I think its time for you to get off my nuts. You reply in every one of my threads, and quote almost everything I say. You try to analyze me, and make pitiful attempts to flame me. Its just like breast feeding. You have to stop sometime in your life. By replying to any of my threads means you enjoy hanging from them.

Ps3 = ****... Overpriced same ****.... wow the ps3 has a tilt function jesus. Everyone goes crazy about the grafics but why... i mean? look at the detail on the rims!!!!!!! woooo yer!!!! o_O No thanks.

Any the wii has a cursor, big deal. Some people who own expensive tv's want to enjoy high def games. Flailing your arms in the air gets old after a while.
To say sales mean nothing may sound right. But if they remain like this people who worked for the companies will either get promotions or fired in the near future. It means a lot to the people who work for the companies, and their future income. It's like saying, "The Pinto explodes! But that shouldn't matter. It's still early in the year."

Companies don't keep loads of highly paid employees when their income is poor.
Wii&Ps3 said:
Any the wii has a cursor, big deal. Some people who own expensive tv's want to enjoy high def games. Flailing your arms in the air gets old after a while.

Maybe if you gave PS3's away with houses you'd sell more, since everyone wants one :)

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