Ps3 is the best console ever!

Wii&Ps3 said:
Flailing your arms in the air gets old after a while.
Seriously, just like this duplex I'm living in.

Are there any condos available in the area that allow pets?
Wii&Ps3 said:
What a bunch of little boys and girls say to me is really gonna hurt my feelings :lol: I guess you can say I get my jollies out of aggrevating people. It so easy with you guys.

I dont like any type of fanboy. He did speak of alot of truth, but alot of it was crap as well.

Ruman I think its time for you to get off my nuts. You reply in every one of my threads, and quote almost everything I say. You try to analyze me, and make pitiful attempts to flame me. Its just like breast feeding. You have to stop sometime in your life. By replying to any of my threads means you enjoy hanging from them.

That first thing was sarcasm. And everything else is just trying to shut you up.
:lol: lol ok i just read the first and last posts here so maybe i'm missing something but lemmi get this straight... ur obviously older since were a bunch of "boys and girls"... so u spend ur time skipping work, living in ur basment on vid. games, drinking jack, looking at porn, taking prozac, and picking fights with younger people :lol: haha i don't even know what to say... that halerious... not to mention u contradicted urself in the first post saying u hate wii sports then saying it can be fun.
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Kelso said:
:lol: lol ok i just read the first and last posts here so maybe i'm missing something but lemmi get this straight... ur obviously older since were a bunch of "boys and girls"... so u spend ur time skipping work, living in ur basment on vid. games, drinking jack, looking at porn, taking prozac, and picking fights with younger people :lol: haha i don't even know what to say... that halerious... not to mention u contradicted urself in the first post saying u hate wii sports then saying it can be fun.

Kelso put on the helmet! If you watch that 70's show you would understand. Im being serious put on the helmet. btw I hope you dont know the girl in your avatar. Shes a mutt. I would take her back to the pound.

acphydro said:
Maybe if you gave PS3's away with houses you'd sell more, since everyone wants one :)

I almost did but it was around lauch so I couldnt find one. I have given a plasma tv away. I will do another plasma when I sell one of my rental properties this spring.
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I love that 70's show... Ashton Kutcher is by far the sexiest man alive! And he prob dosn't spend his life in his basment jerkin off, poppin prozac, and drinkin JD :lol: like really what were you even trying to prove... i couldent even focus on the parts about ps3 cuz i was to busy lafin at what u said about urself
Oh Yay another flame war.
If you had read the forum rules, which I'm sure you didn't.
It says specifically to NOT start threads like OMFG PS3 OWNS SCREW TEH WII.

You are a moron and should be permanently banned.
blueradio said:
should be permanently banned.
I second that. The only reason why he hasn't been reported so far is because he's a little entertainment - nothing to be taken seriously. Although these PS3 flamebaiting posts are becoming a joke around here. I vote to ban him.
dude the PS3 is a terrible console.....Sony is losing all their game developers (to work with Nintendo!) Not just that but I dont think just fancy graphics are gonna cut it this time! You seen that controller.....yeah it hasnt changed since the PS1!
hahah aww i just found this, first ps3 vs. wii thread i have found... and i find him VERY entertaining!!! lol
The PS3 is a great console, with some freakin awesome games coming out soon. The Wii is also a great console, when the PS3 hits Australia i will be buying one. The franchises that i've sort of grown up with are on both Nintendo systems and Sony systems:- Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo, Kingdom Hearts.
lol i got nothing against the PS3 either. This guy is just an idiot and thats entertaining haha. It's like Dumb and Dumber... nobody watches that movie for the plot
I'm a fan of the PS1-2. I also own other Sony products, such as their movies, VCR. I'm a true Sony fan, and I feel the PS3 does not live up to Sony standards. Sony set the standard for lower game prices back in the day. Fire Kaz Hirai, and Howard Stringer. Everything they do is poison to Sony. The PS3 can be saved if they fired the greedy rich guys that snuck their way in.

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