Pokemon Platinum

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  • #302
fought the brain of the arcade today. i lost...barely. stupid Dusknoir got a critical on my Infernape for the win.

how many wins do you need to fight the brains of each facility?
Another loss by hax... I feel your pain, Shadow! DX

For the Battle Factory, Tower, Castle, AND Arcade, it's 21 for the Silver Print, 49 for the Gold. For the Hall, it's 50 for Silver, 170 for Gold (which is pretty wtf, yeah?).
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  • #304
50 won't be hard. Infernape has a 40 streak from OHKO's everytime. 21 wasn't hard either, except at the factory. ****ing rental crap
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  • #307
I have the Battle Hall silver print! way to easy. Infernape vs. Glaceon
OHKO with Close Combat

now for the others
Ball Hall Silver Print is rediculously easy, lol, ya?

... Poor Glaceon, it didn't stand a chance. DX
Anyway I have news. F-I-N-A-L-L-Y settled on a crappy Uxie. His HP and DEF IVs are 28-29 but everything else is abysmal. I mean abysmal. S.Atk is 0-1...
I'm sick of Uxie so I'm off to catch a shitty Bold Mesprite.
EDIT: Looks like that preset stat thing for Mesprite was on the money, CK. Too bad I got screwed by it.
Serious with three 0s...
I ****ing hate my luck. Let's see what kinda shitty Cresselia I can pull.
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... You just now "settled" on a Uxie? ... Wow, I honestly feel sorry for you, Fox. Nobody should have such shitty luck. ... The random IV generator must hate you. .-.

I'm thinking that the legendary birds are NOT having set IVs and such, since you don't encounter them before an actual batle. So they should be synchronizable. ... That makes a good Mesprit and Cresselia pretty valuable, yeah?

Working on cloning and evolving all my shinnies ATM. My shiny list is going to become even bigger soon enough. Why I'm doing this instead of SRing legendaries? ... I have no idea.
I've read something on Smogon about IVs being set right after you talk to Prof. Oak or something. I don't know the exact details though since they seemed unsure as well and still needed to test it.
Foxxy do you need a hug?
Im so sorry of your Uxxxxxie trobules...

I've become a substitute teacher....
In an innercity elementry school....


And sidenote, with the DSi the Action replay (and the codebreaker) do not work with the DSi, so untilll a hack or anything changes, I am unable to breed (as easly), clone, or anything now.
Well, you can't synch Mesprite/Cresselia but if you keep reseting before you encounter them, it'll be random at least, not set.
I was so pissed last night. The 3rd time I went for Cress it was bold natured with 30-31 HP and S.DEF but DEF was 0...

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