Pokemon Platinum

Well, I finally caught Palkia and Dialga. They were suprisingly easy to catch, actually.
Dialga and Palkia have some of the highest catch rates of any legendary, if not THE highest. Think of it this way; they're as hard to catch as a Kricketune.
I've never tried to get a Kricketune. Ever.

I don't know what the big fuss is about on Platinum. It's gonna be the same damn game we've been playing for the past ten years. You start from the crappiest town, catching small monsters that get progressively uglier and less likeable as time goes on, that can also breathe fire or something. You go around fighting gym leaders, and while they do have better graphics and 'EXTRA-SPECIAL FEATURES' none of these is actually changing the formula of the game, and you're esssentially playing the same game over and over again.

Sorry about the Denis Leary. I've been gone a while.
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true it overall is the same but if you take into account the little tweaks its actually a bit better
The Battle Frontier. Adds another 100+ hours to gameplay. Boken, Platinum is much more integral than you'd think, lol. The little tweaks such as move tutors, the battle frontier, and etc. are all that is needed for competitive battlers to go crazy over the game.

If you're not a competitive battler, you wouldn't get it. Noone should ever recommend Platinum for a casual pokemon fan, if they already have DP.
Because you lost your Pearl? (and ironically found it soon) >.>;

EDIT: Sweet, I caught a nice Hasty Palkia, and that was only the second try. The IVs are all above average, bar Sp. defense; but who cares, Palkia already has high Sp. defense anyways. Here's the IVs.

28 / 23 - 24 / 31 / 26 - 27 / 6 - 7 / 29 Total: 143

My next targets will be the Regis, I'll start with Rock, go to Ice, Steel, then Gigas. ... Not that catching a good 'Gigas is even important.
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I've wanted a decent support Regigigas for forever.
You need to have an event POKEMON; the Regigigas given away last March. Bring the Regigigas to any of the three new caves in Platinum, and it activates the event. Depending on the area will depend on the regi you find; Regirock is on route 228, in the desert region, Registeel is on Iron Island, and Regice is... at Mt. Coronet, I believe. You think it'd be somewhere around Snowpoint, but... eh.

Also, good timing on posting Nick. Caught a Regirock a few hours ago. The IVs aren't too impressive, but they're passable; the selling point is the high Sp. def for Sandstorm abuse. Here's the IVs (and yes, I know I could do better).

Careful, 23 / 21 / 20 / 21 / 28 / 29 Total: 142
No, it has to be from the event; I'm giving away clones for free, though. If you could manage to get wi-fi working I'd gladly give you one.