Pokemon Platinum

... Fox, your game's cursed or something, lol. It's hard to believe how abysmal your luck is. One bad thing after another...

And sidenote, with the DSi the Action replay (and the codebreaker) do not work with the DSi, so untilll a hack or anything changes, I am unable to breed (as easly), clone, or anything now.

And this is why I'll be keeping one of my DS lites.

Also, I'll do some testing myself to see if the legendary birds' IVs are concrete. I doubt they'l be set in stone after talking to Oak, but I do suppose it's possible. I'll save before talking to him, catch one of the birds, check it's IVs and soft reset. I'll talk to him again and see if the IVs are decided even before talking to him. However, I'll save after talking to him this time, and catch the same bird (or try to). Check the IVs, and we'll have our answer. Besides, even if they are, it's not a major loss. I have no real interest in Articuno and Moltres, and the odds of me using that Zapdos are extremely low.
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Moltres should be OU. Scar lead killer is really usefull.
Yeah CK, I hear ya. It seems like my DS notices that I'm good at chaining/battling/etc so it evens it out with this crap...
Ima keep trying tonight.
Hey i got a question about Platnuim, Im at celestic town and i have beaten the Galaxy Admin. And im supposdley have to get surf from the old lady. The problem is she never gave me anything at all, that damn hag didnt give me nothing. so what do i do now? I have no surf, did i do something wrong?
Did you get 5 badges already? Also, did you talk to the Elder in her house, directly above the ruins? My memory on Platinum is shaky, but... if you've done all that, I think you should be able to get Surf.
Ah bugger, i talked to everyone in this town like twice. no surf, i have 5 gym badges kill the leader.....Might do you suggestion. TO PASTORIA.
I finnaly overcame my laziness and got the National Dex. I remembered you only had to see all of them, not catch. Ill take some time to actually train my Pokemon, then head to Stark Mountain or whatever.
Who needs Wash Rotom when you've got Spin Rotom with HP Water 68? Woo!
Eh... The Battle Revolution Roullette thing was incredibly easy, back when I rented the game I had no problem getting whatever I wanted. How hard is the Battle Arcade one, exactly?
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well the better you do the more "good" effects show up. except for the fronteir brain when only 2 or 3 good ones show up and the rest hurt you. then she talks about how you jave extremely good skill and luck while she rigs the board against you.

i don't think i'll be getting the gold print there anytime soon
HP 68? That's pretty damn good, nice catch. Flying and Water get epic coverage too, yeah?

Along with STAB Thunderbolt/ShadowBall, yes, Spin Rotom is epic tier.
Would it be considered breaking species clause by using Heat Rotom and Spin Rotom on the same team?
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well does it break that clause if you use two different Deoxys forms? i think it would be the same

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